Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Sneak!!

Oh my little "Sneak!" I put Blake down for a nap and ran to shower! I was doing my hair and heard a door slamming! I thought it was mine and ran to check (it is very important to me sleeping babies SLEEP uninterrupted!) I saw the handle on Blake's door move! I ran to the door and it was locked! I had heard the slamming through the monitor!! I got the key above the door frame and as quietly as I could tried to unlock it! I didn't want Grant to hear me because I knew he would scream something! I could not get the door unlocked and Grant heard me trying! Just before I got it he yelled through the monitor, "Don't worry I am putting Blake back to sleep!" There was Grant in Blake's crib! I whisked him up and out the door!! Blake, laying on his side, just looked at me! Ten minutes later I got Blake out!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if Ryan would have survived a stunt like that. Never wake a sleeping baby is a do or die rule around here. What a scamp.
