Saturday, April 4, 2009

April Fool's Day

On March 31, Trent was asking me about April Fool's Day! I told him people pull pranks! He was concerned that I would do something to that would upset him, since I am such a jokster! He said, "Mom just tell me that a hair is sticking up in back but really it isn't!" He came home from school and told me he did not get a stamp! I did not see a stamp on his hand! He immediately flipped his hand over and it was on his palm! April Fool's! I thought that was a darling way for Miss Robbins to teach them about April fool's Day!

1 comment:

  1. That is cute. My favorite part is Trent told you how to prank him... Doesn't quite get the point of the prank yet. Little kids are adorable.
