Tuesday, May 31, 2016


National Jr. Honor's Society

Monday, May 30, 2016

Trent's 13th / Memorial Day

Einsteins and very rainy morning!

Hooray, the rain stopped and we went to Georgetown Lake!

Lydia, Grant, Blake, Trent, Dominic

She loves the spray!

Emma, Lyd, Brynlee
(Benefields, Winsors, Graves, Masons were all on the beach)

Grant, Blake, Spencer, Jake

Olive Garden

Happy Birthday Trent!!  

Sunday, May 29, 2016


Checking out the creek! 

Decided we need nets to catch little fish!

Loved seeing Theo swim!

Hated seeing Theo roll around in the brush and cover himself in pokies!!

We drove all around doing an extra credit social studies project with Trent, a scavenger hunt! It was honestly so much fun!!

Then we had pizza and ice cream and the boys watched Spider Man!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Trent's Party

Pizza, Capture the Flag, Fugitive (with too much lightening) and ice cream with brownies! Turned out great!!


During the Saturday morning showings Lydia and I ran to HEB to get everything for Trent's party!
Look who is an INSTANT WINNER!! 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Skyler's Reception

Found these on my phone!

Emma and Grant

Learning Conference / Awards / Summer B-days

Lydia's Learning Conference (8am)

 (Ran Trent to school! 8:35am)

We were served at Hanlon's Learning Cafe by the cutest waiter! (9:00am)

(Ran to make sure the house was ready for the showings! 10am Ran to get donuts and cupcakes) 

Oh Boy! Josh put this up!

Grant's awards were at 12:45pm! I video taped and did not snap pictures! It was crazy crowded, 2 classes and parents in 1 room! 
He was very happy to get this! 

I loved this!! His teacher loves him! The awards were a mix of teacher's thoughts and student's! 

Celebrating a summer birthday girl!! (1:35pm)

She got to pick 2 friends to lead her birthday song!

 Back to Grant's learning conference!

Celebrating a summer birthday boy!!! (2:20pm)