Saturday, June 27, 2009


The boys got to spend their allowance money today! (and some birthday money of Trent's) I always think it will be quick and easy!! Nope, it takes forever! "You don't have enough for that!" "If you get that you'll have a dollar left over!" "Are you sure you don't want to save for something bigger later?" "What about saving for the wheel shoes?" Trent chose a Bakugon, a Transformer, Yoda, a giraffe,a puppy and a sucker stick!! Grant had about 1/7 of the money Trent had and was thrilled with his kick board and Nerf ball!!

Becker Business

Josh is keeping busy helping everyone and trying to find time to work!! (people’s sprinklers, basements, roofs, free loans etc.) It is an incredible quality he possesses! We are waiting for him to return home today from his 100 mile bike race in Logan! He went with Cory Olsen!!

Trent’s prayer: “Thank you that we are good swimmers so we don’t drown. Thank you that we have enough money to keep our house. Bless when we go to the Rodeo we can get a nice babysitter who will know what Blake needs just like my mom does. Bless this food it will nourish and strengthen our bodies just like other people say.”

Grant was lying next to me in my bed one morning and said, “Where’s dad? His pillow is empty – his head must be somewhere else!”

Grant and I went to the car wash Tuesday, June 23. I let him pick the scent tree! He really wanted it hung from his hat!

We finished week 1 of swimming lessons!! The boys did great! After the first day, we got in the car and Trent said, “Grant I was watching you and you did great!” These pictures also show their summer buzz cuts!! Trent was a little upset when he looked in the mirror, after all he is going into first grade, but he is use to it now and it will grow back by August 20th!!! (Thank you to anyone who gave him a compliment, it helped!!!)

Grant was loading some boogie boards in the back of the Sequoia! Boogie Boards and kick boards are very precious to him! Mikaylee asked, “Where did you get those?” Grant replied “A long time ago from our house. Have a nice day.” Mikaylee said “He’s talking like a grown-up.” Grant wanted to take care of business no questions asked!

I heard Blake yelling from the pantry! Kind of a help me yell, but not scream! He had climbed up onto the top of the step stool and was just crouching there on hands and knees waiting for me!!

Last week Blake played a darling game of peek-a-boo in his highchair! I had a wash cloth I was using to cover him! He loved it! Then he took hold of it and tried to cover his face. I could still see him from the side, but he wasn’t looking at me! He was grinning and beaming trying to hide! At Lake Powell he would tip Josh’s hat down, then pop it up to play peek-a-boo!! We, of course, loved it!!

Wednesday, June 23, Blake took 3 solid steps! He is so excited to walk!

Blake loves my garments! We decided not to let him carry garments around, so I gave him 2 white slips!! Grant still says, “Blakey do you want your garment?” Then yesterday at the family reunion I heard Evelyn say, “Uh-oh, Blake dropped his slip!” I was cracking up!! We need a new name for it!!

We went to the Lehi Rodeo Thursday, June 25 and left Blake with a sitter. I was showing her his slip and he grabbed it and snuggled into it! Too funny!! The babysitter liked that!

Blake helping with the dishes!

When Grant needs me, he calls me "Mam Sir!"

Lake Powell

June 17 - 20, 2009
Little rain, little wind, little sun, very little sleep for Blake, LOTS of red sand in our tent, lots of food, lots of fun and lots of friends! Our camp: Burrs, Longs and us!

Naps for all 3 boys! Lovingly covered by Mom to keep the sun off! Grant

We ended up leaving Saturday night. We were trailered by 10:20pm and arrived home at 4am! Not the best choice we've ever made!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Small Talk

Reading the “Where Will I Serve My Mission” book, Trent told me, “I’m going to walk up to people and say ‘Do you know about God and Jesus’ if they say yes I will tell them ‘I am on my mission and I am looking for people to talk to,’ if they say no we will talk about God and Jesus!” A few minutes later they were both in tears because they don’t want to leave mom and dad! I told them growing up I use to worry a lot about leaving my mom and dad, to college, a mission, get married etc. I told them my parent’s told me I did not have to leave them until I was ready and NOT to worry, growing up is FUN!!!

Grant, “Mommy when Grandma Gardiner goes to Heaven will still get to see her?”

Trent and I were shopping at Smith’s last night! He stopped in the isle, threw up his arms and said, “I’m the luckiest man on earth! Grandma Gardiner let me get a Diego coloring book (with her b-day $), you let me get donuts, and I still have 6 coins at home from Aunt Peggy and Grandma and Grandpa Stanton!”

Anything I tell Grant about, “Mommy is it this day?”

McKinnon was over and used the word sick about something Grant was coloring! (Which means awesome!) Grant a few minutes later, “This is sick dudes!”

Grant going to bed last night, “I’m so afraid of cats, will you snuggle with me? Mommy can the cats come through the walls? Won’t they just stay under my bed?”

The Kings

Trent made a crown out of lined paper and a cloak out of a Spiderman blanket!! He set to work on his palace and throne! He had a paper dragon hanging up behind his throne!! Everything was royal! “Mom where are my royal shoes?” I bumped him accidentally and he said, “You are messing up my royalness.” Trent was talking to Grant about how he was King of the world and said, “It is like I’m God. I could pretend to be God today.” We had a BIG talk about how that is inappropriate!! He went back to asking his royal mother for his royal toast and butter! Grant was playing 2 roles, a Knight and when he was outside a roaring royal lion (Trent commanded and the change took place)!!

The next day they started to play again, but this time I helped make them crowns with the color paper of their choice and Grant was a king too!! Trent was twirling around with his blanket and said, “Now the King is dizzy!”

Trent said this is their Royal Guard who they are trapping as I type!!
Picture of crowns, requested by the Kings!

They made a crown for Blake with colors from both of theirs! They are now calling him Mini-King in the mini-crown!

Father and Sons

Josh and the boys had a blast at the Father and Sons! They went down to Fairview where our Bishop has a cabin! They stayed in the Burr’s trailer with: the Beeston boys, Burr boys and Becker boys! They got to swim and ride 4-wheelers! Grant just told me, “The Bishop did come but he stayed in his cabin and took a rest! We had to pay to get in the pool Mom!” Trent said, “We had a very good time!” Josh was very cute preparing to go! He packed his ice chest and helped the kids pack and they were off!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Too Much!!

I know I post too many at a time!! (Eric told me!) So thank you for those who keep on reading! And sorry to Mom, Dad and Grandma Gardiner who I email all my posts to, in an effort to force them to read it!!

This one's for Beckee Becker!

My house is not always clean!! YIKES!! We decided to clean out Trent's "cabinet" and a year's worth of Kindergarten papers! We sorted through the papers and a made a "Kindergarten Book" (Thank you Dominique!)

The guys took off to the Father and Son's Campout and I set to deep cleaning!! Hooray!! I am very happy now!!!

Little Reese

We shaved Little Reese's (credit to Grandma Stanton for the name) head!! Easier to sunscreen!! He looks like a whole different baby to me!


Thank you to Ruth - we are now doing shields (along with our chore chart)!! The boys get 10 shields a day, each represents 10 cents! They lose shields for bad choices - don't do chores, mean voice, whining (Josh's favorite), hitting etc. They move the shields when one is taken away! At the end of the day we tally and start over! At the end of the week, they pay tithing on earnings, then put half for savings/mission, half for fun!!

When they lose one, they just lower it!

I let them choose shields or stars! They chose shields! We were talking about how good choices and following the commandments protects you! Putting on the Armor of God!

It is the shield of righteousness - it will keep you protected!! But if you make bad choices . . . (I wasn't sure how I was going to word it) then Trent said, “The shield is behind you and bad can hit you. Grant, you want it in front!”