Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stanton's Baptism

Our nephew Stanton was baptized today! (March 28, 2009) Trent adores Stanton! He tells me that Stanton always teaches him how to do new things - - and always says "Good job!" Trent says that even if you try and can't do it Stanton always has something nice to say!

A women from the Johnson's stake was also baptized! This reminded Trent of Dominique's baptism and the fact that some people are older than 8 when they are baptized!

There were lots of people in the Relief Society room so Josh and Blake stood! (Picture by John McAtee) We tried to give Blake a mohawk today, but the lotion did not hold! (Of course not, because it is lotion!)

Curtis, Danylle and Stanton

All of the men who confirmed Stanton!

Afterward we went to the Johnson's house for a "Hot Dog" lunch! (Stanton's choice) It looked like pretty much everyone had had cake, Grant wanted the orange balloon, so I slapped that baby on a plate! (Sorry Danylle we took such a BIG piece!)

The boys were very excited to give Stanton the tie they had chosen for him! (I sincerely let them choose without my help - - which is very hard for me to do!)
When I was a little girl, Linda Johnson (our family friend) use to say that I had a voice like a truck driver! I guess it was true, but it didn't make me feel great to have her say that! I was very loud!! Well - - our darling little Grant takes the cake! I do love when he tries to whisper because it is so intense!! At the Johnsons Grandma Stanton told me I did not need to worry about how big Grant would get because he would make up for it with voice!


  1. Maryssa wants me to tell you she thinks that he is so funny. Thanks for your support on this great day. Stanton loves the tie and your boys. I'm glad that its not just my kids that love the frosting and just ate the frosting balloons.

  2. What a fun baptism day! Everything looked like it turned out well. Can't wait until you're birthday when we get to hang out!

  3. Love the picture of Josh and Blake.
