Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Trent has been saving for months and months to buy this imaginext thing! At Disneyland he was tempted to spend his money but overcame the urge and remembered the gorilla mountain! It has been so long since we saw it, I was grateful we found it so easily!

Grant chose a bubble gun and lacrosse sticks! (He calls them his "Catchers.") He had seen ski poles in a book and told me for days, "Mom, on my birthday list put a Pablo Gun that shoots bubbles and ice skates." Then they were skate poles, then ice sticks, then snow sticks! After looking around he decided he wanted a battery operated blue motorcycle! I told him he did not have $224! (This was yesterday.) So today we had to return something to Wal-Mart and Grant wanted to check out the snow boards, he called them! It was the underwater skateboard! He decided he wanted that! I told him he had already spent his $ and did not have any! The only way I could get the foam skateboard out of his hands was to give it to the sales clerk and ask her to save it for us! (Trent has instilled a fear in him that things will be gone! That is because Trent really wanted a stuffed zebra from Kohl's and when we went to get it for his birthday, they were gone! We ended up getting him one from Robert's Craft!)

1 comment:

  1. It is funny how you will never forget/live down the "one that got away" toys. Ryan is always reminding me when we are out about some piddly toy that I didn't buy or that wasn't there. I love how they always pick out the most expensive toy, not having any perspective on price difference. Cute post.
