Tuesday, March 17, 2009


March 6-8, 2009
Grant came home from school and got himself ready for the cabin hours early!!

Grant made a drum at school!

Trent had Pajama Day/Read-a-Thon at school to wrap up Dr. Seuss week!! He would not give me a smile!!

Trent showing me his Lamb/Lion Center he had waited anxiously to do!!

Grant with a few more layers ready to go! He wore that all the way to the cabin and tried to eat Subway with his mittens on!

Trent, Grant and their cousins Mikaylee and John feeling too silly to sleep!! The first night the kids watched Madagascar 2 and then wanted to have a sleepover. So we rounded up some blankets and a big mattress. It was getting pretty late, even for the adults. The dads were watching TV below the loft where Beckee and I and the kids were having a party. We were all so tired and hyper! The kids were jumping around, pulling funny faces, and Beckee and I were taking pictures and laughing just as much as they were. After a while the dads started getting after the kids for not settling down, and really it was Beckee and I who needed to calm down!

Moms were not helping at all!!

FINALLY after I read The Lion King, the kids were asleep and we transferred them to their own beds. The next couple days were spent snowmobiling, watching movies, playing games, and playing the Wii. The kids enjoyed riding the mini snowmobile and got a kick out of creating lots of Wii Miis!

Never a dull moment with these Musketeers!!

Seth & Brittney Becker, Ben & Beckee Becker and us!!

Trent loves to sled like Dad!!! We did not get a picture of Grant on the mini-Z but he rode it by himself and raced Dad!! He did awesome!!

Grant loves to be pulled on the sled, (even behind a 4-wheeler on grass!)


  1. Grant is too cute all dressed in his cabin clothes! Trent's Dr. Suess hat looks familiar. Mikaylee made one too! Those cabin memories will be so fun to look back on. I'm glad we got all those silly pictures. I love all the things Grant says. He is too funny!

  2. Glad I could help you out with your post! I may have to borrow yours sometime too!
