Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Crazy Dudes!!

Grant loves the mini-4 wheeler and the mini-z!! He begs me all day long to ride!! Anything with a motor and gasoline is Dad's territory!! He is learning control! During the day he will go out to the trailer and sit on the mini-z! He pretends to be snowmobiling and it is soooo funny!! I let him in the trailer, then went to grab the garbage can! When I came back he was trying as hard as he could to pull start the thing!! YIKES!! We are in trouble!!

Trent does a great job with control and speed and steering!
These two want to go in the street on their bikes! The neighbor has a jump! The kids love it! He goes off and straight into the street! I told the boys they cannot do that!! Little Grant goes into the street then looks both ways!!
Monday night for FHE we read "If I Obey I'll Be Happy All Day!" It is a book from my childhood! The little boy wants to cross the street to play with his friends, but remembers FHE and his Primary lessons! He waits on the curb and his mom comes out with 3 bright pink popsicles. She crosses him and they are all happy!! We followed that with Nephi's "I must obey." For the finale some strong talk! If they go in the street once, bike is in time-out for a half hour! The second time it is hung up in the garage all day! After that no more half hours, gone all day! We explained the whole cars can't see you and driver's are not always paying attention!! We talked about parking lots too! I also threw in the story of Charles in my 3rd grade class who was killed on a skateboard! He was laying on it and went down the driveway out into the street and was hit by a car! The day of the funeral we had a half day Sub. b/c Mrs. Dreher went to the funeral!
Last Saturday when we had a babysitter and the boys were going down the driveway into the street on Josh's long board! The neighbor told me! (Thank you Joslyn!) We drilled it as hard as we could!!
So today walking into WalMart Grant stood right next to me while I was getting Blake out and said, "If you obey the whole day you'll feel great!" Close enough!!


  1. Thanks for providing our next FHE lesson. What great tips you had. You are such an awesome mom.

  2. I hope your boys start staying out of the street! Good luck with teaching boys how to be a little tame. :D
