Sunday, August 30, 2009

Becker Business

I had Grant's soccer sheet sitting out to put in his book. One original and one color copy for me. He cut out the individual picture of himself on both sheets to hang in his house! One was hanging on the wall and one was hanging on the toy box! I cracked up!! Later he and Trent hung it from the ceiling!

Dad bought one of these . . .

on Monday, August 24, 2009.

Grant wanted to go out and sit on the motorcycle in the garage all day! He gripped the handles and was in his zone, “I am vrooming up the mountain. I am an awesome dude. This is so cool!”

Mom has blue toes, which the boys requested! Trent came home from home school, “I like them. Thank you for doing blue like I asked!”

Grant was telling me about the house he made upstairs with baskets and cushions from the couch. He said, “My house is rockin’!”
This is Trent's house! It changes constantly . . . the blocks get moved around, blankets get moved around! He was trying to make a "party" entrance using the ribbon! He wanted more, but I had to help Blake!

This is inside the cabinet. Behind the blocks are puppies sleeping!

This is the other side of the cabinet . . . his stash!
The homes are continually changing! After taking the above pictures, the boys decided to combine their home with a few pathways and secret entrances!

Before the homes were in the smaller 2 door cabinets . . . then Trent took over the big ones! Pretty much the whole room is their house now . . . with a little spot blocked off for me and my computer chair! They made swings with paper and ribbon for their stuffed animals!

Blake was helping me do laundry. I sat him on the washer while it was spinning to see what he would think! He was laughing and shaking! It was very cute!

I was singing while Trent and Blake were bathing the other day. After I hit a high long part, Blake belted out the best note he could get! It was adorable! Trent and I laughed so hard!!

Wednesday, August 26, Trent had a really hard time going to school! It took us an hour to get him to go in! He wanted to be home! (Plus his shirts are itchy and his shoes are too tight too loose etc.) Later that day he called me a few times and I was not home! He had a bad bloody nose at recess and needed a new shirt! He got a hold of me and I nervously took him a shirt . . . I hoped he would go back into school easily! HE DID!!!

The first day or 2 of school a big 3rd grader pushed him and his buddy down at recess! He told my mom he had been bullied! I was proud of him for speaking up and understanding what being bullied meant!!

Trent had a wonderful night Aug. 24 because Grant and Blake were asleep! Trent had mom and dad to himself! His favorite thing! We played Candyland, wrestled and read!

Grant told me one morning, “Mom I had a nightmare. It was about a cat under the bed. There was a little door in the wall it would come in and out of! It was horrible.”

Beckee was leaving and Jen was coming and Grant said, “Wait mom, I want John to stay so I can interexplain him to Ethan! You know, Ethan this is my cousin John.”

Ethan and I were dropping Grant off at the Condie’s and little Blondy Branson came out. Ethan said, “He looks exactly like Grant. That kid Grant is going to play with looks just like him!” I got a good laugh!

1 comment:

  1. Now I see why you said, "interexplain"!! I thought it was some word you knew that I was too dumb to know! :) That is cute!
