Friday, August 7, 2009

Becker Business

Clipping Blake's nails . . . I love his faces!

When Grant is cold in the morning he loves to get in my pants! I know it is a little weird . . . but they are actually Josh’s PJ bottoms and very stretchy!!

Sitting on the potty in the Smith’s bathroom Grant told me, “Mom if I was at home without a babysitter or anyone I would use a whole roll of toilet paper and clog the toilet until it was so high!” (He has done that a couple times in the past and is currently not allowed to wipe himself!)

Dropping Grant off at Tony’s birthday party, Tony told us his trunks disappeared and he was going to wear some black shorts instead! His dog went running past us out to the street and Grant said, “Now your dog is going to disappear!”

Trent said, “Mom I loved when Paul and Chera baby-sat us a long time ago. Can they do it again? It is better to have family baby-sit because they care just a little bit more!”

We take swimming lessons from Jan Lamb! It is their 4th week!! I keep signing them up because they are doing great!! Today walking to the car Trent said, “Mom Jan Lamb is so nice. I think we should have her over for dinner!”

Going to South Dakota Grant is going to miss his last day of Itty Bitty Soccer at the Lehi Rec. Center. He will miss Lenny the Lion – which is a good thing! He does not love big dressed up people! Leaving the Lehi Rec. Center Grant said, “Mom I hate the Lenny the Lion so I am glad I won’t be there!” Me “I know Grant, but isn’t there one animal you like?” Grant “Yeah the Jazz Bear.” (Mind you his ZZ’s are a crack up, lots of vibration and spit involved!) Trent “I like Crosby!” (Who is our curly, long haired 7th grade new neighbor boy who Trent really likes.) Me “Do you mean Cosmo BYU’s cougar?” Trent “Yeah!”

Lizzy told the boys that Uncle Johnny has been to Mexico about 5 times! Johnny showed her his passport and she told the boys that he travels all over! They wanted to know why. Trent decided “He is probably trying to find a wife and if he finds one he will stay in that place a little longer.” Grant decided “He is getting things for his house - like a sink!”

Grant took the kitchen scissors and cut his own hair while we were babysitting Jocelyn’s kids! It is a huge chunk in the front! The problem is, he took the skin off his head! I think he is done cutting his own hair!!

Blake loves skateboards, soccer balls, glitter balls, chocolate milk, soda, swimming, baby wipes, being outside, Dad and Mom! At Grant’s Legacy Center soccer class Blake saw all the soccer balls and went crazy! He was squirming and moving every which way to get me to put him down! He is at that stage where his talking is DARLING!! Little barks and squeals and noises!! He has 6 teeth.

Grant loves string, scissors and tape! He wants to attach rope or string to everything and pull it around! (He made a leash for his glitter ball, his penguin, his finger board, a piece of paper, gloves, skateboard, Backyardigans guitar, a disposal cleaning glove I blew up filled with little bowling pins and some of Blake’s toys, etc.) He loves his bike, cousins, Taci, chocolate milk, changing his clothes, swimming, and cleaning with a spray bottle and rag! He still shortens everything: scissors siz, skittles skits, starbursts star, Blakey Bake, Kade is Kady, Josh’s long board is his long, garbage is gar, cheerios are cheer, Tom and Jerry is Tom and Jer, the family room is the family. Grant isn’t sure if he wants to marry Trent or Blake. We tease him his girlfriend is Nadene and he smiles every time!! Referring to the Bismarck Temple he actually said “Bismarck Temp” last night!

Trent loves swimming, playing king, his DS, cousins, riding his bike, jeans, Blake, cream cheese chicken, movies, poppy seed muffins, transformers, playing with friends, dinosaurs, making houses or castles with our cardboard blocks, snacks, drinking water and coloring/drawing with crayons! He is very excited for school to start (which thrills me!) He is doing the Shark 2 swim class which we are very excited about!! I love when I can hear him sing in Primary! Trent could make dinner if I asked him to! He gets what he needs when he needs it!!

All 3 boys have tan lines and Josh and I think it is the cutest thing!!

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