Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu

Neighbors may not be allowed to play with my kids because their dad was fishing in a remote part of Mexico - but so far no Swine Flu here! Grant has had a hard week being involuntarily quarantined! If a fever breaks out around here- I'll post!! (Although I'm sure the news would too!)


  1. Yikes, I'm sure you guys will be fine. Hope Josh had a good time fishing :)

  2. Julie, love you background too! My sister helped me find mine somewhere. I can tell I'm really going to like blogging! Sure glad you didn't get swine flu.

  3. Crazy! I didn't realize you were all quarantined! How long do you have to do that?

  4. Is it horrible to say I would crack up if you guys were on the news?!!!!!!

  5. Hope you are all still Pig-flu free and that the neighborhood kids can now play with yours. What a bummer. Bret can't wait to hear details of Josh's fishing trip. It's been 50 questions since I told him.
