The night before Blake's birthday we tried to straighten up enough for it to be nice for Blake! We were in the middle of unpacking and all of the craziness! Stopping and spending the day together having fun was just what we needed!!
Blake found a net in the birthday blanket with a note to go to the hutch!
There was a Beta Fish!!
Grandma and Grandpa sent him cookies and balloons!! Very exciting!!
We did a few presents, had crepes and Blake and Grant went outside to play soccer!
We went to Veteran's Pool! It was even more fun then we expected!! It had a deep part! Most pools in Texas don't because of the limestone!
Olive Garden
We went to see Planes 2, which we loved!!
After the movie we sat in BaskinRobbins and Blake tried to decide if he wanted ice cream (no wild and reckless) or a cake or ??? Blake had thought yogurt but then changed his mind! We ended up at McDonalds because he wanted a smoothie!! We headed home and sang to this wild man!!! These 2 danced through the whole song!!
Love this little man and had a great day!!!