Thursday, May 30, 2013

T Dog is TEN

 This cute guy has been soooo excited for his birthday!!  He had a "PLAN" a month ago!! 
Woke up with the birthday blanket at 6:20!  (He said he had been up since 5am)
His new I-Pod case did not fit! 


Last Day of School!!  (makes me feel weird time is going so quickly) Yes Grant is wearing Trent's new outfit! Trent does not love orange, so Grant bought these clothes from him!!

I picked up Trent, Grant, Payton and Parker at 10:15! We came back to our house to get Dad then headed to the Pizza Pie Cafe!  After that Dad and the boys went to the Legacy Center and played some B-ball! 

Lowes Airsports

After Lowes we dropped off the Armstrong boys and picked up the lizard!  Dinner at the Olive Garden!  No cake, we went to the Orange Leaf! Grandma Gayle and Grandpa John came back to our house for presents!  Grandma let the kids blow up a few Diet Coke's with Mentos and they watched The Last Air Bender!  WHEW, what a wonderful day!!!

Trent was explaining to Payton that his Great Grandpa Stanton was coming to dinner and said that he (Trent) was birthday buddies with his wife who passed away last year!  I laughed at the way he worded it all!!  Cute!!  Then at dinner Grandpa Stanton asked my mom if Lizzy was Trent's girlfriend! I got a kick out of that too!  He said she was a really cute girl!! 

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