Josh and I were talking about the 17 year old boy who hit the referee during the soccer game! We were saying how sad he has anger issues! My dad came over later that morning and mentioned the same story! Blake said, "My mom said he has anger shoes on, I am sure they are red!"
Josh and I were on the phone Monday night talking about our plan for Family Home Evening! We were going to Smiths to play the ABC game and debating ice cream or a candy treat for the kids! Near the end of the conversation Trent came upstairs laughing on the other black phone! He said, "I have been on with you guys the whole time! When I heard candy I couldn't hang up!" I told him that was very funny, but don't do it again! There are things kids should not hear being discussed! He said, "But mom it is not close to Christmas, so you won't be talking about presents!" Haha
When I do exercise DVD's Lydia is right there with me! It is adorable! She tries to do exactly what she sees! I want to stop and video tape her! I love it! The other day I had to step on a chair, she ran to her room and got her stool! When we do sit ups or crunches, she puts those little legs in the air! Truly I could watch her all day! It is the cutest thing ever!!!
Grant walked into the house from soccer and yelled, "Where's my sweetheart?" Lydia came running, "I am right here Gant!"
Ski Week Day 2
2 weeks ago
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