Thursday, May 23, 2013


On Friday, April 26th Josh found a 4 day old kitten on the property!  It was under some trees that had been cut down and crying! He climbed under the trees, found it, and ran it to the Vet!  The Vet said, it has a full tummy and to put it back to see if the mom will come get it!  In the meantime the kids got very excited to bottle feed this little thing Josh found!  We thought we would keep it for a week or so then give it to Aunt Brittny, who loves cats!!!  Josh ran to PetSmart before Nick's graduation dinner at Texas Roadhouse to get the bottles and milk!  On our way home from the dinner we went to the property and there was the mama with the baby in her mouth!  Josh and Brittny were happy (because it is best for the kitten) I was sad because the kids wanted to see it and feed it so badly!  I was really SAD!!  (Funny because I don't like cats:-))

Found out the Coveys had kittens and ran the kids over to see them!! 
Lizzy, Trent, Lyd, Cambri, Grant, Haylee

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