Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Blake's Graduation

Blake's Graduation!  Our little Blake sang more than at the Christmas Concert, but still was not thrilled to be performing!!  Precious guy, just like his dad, robe and flip-flops!

Blake could not wait for Miss Tanya to finish sewing these owls!  He would ask her everyday about sewing! He truly could not believe she could sew! He thought that "rocked!"  I substituted the class one day and while the kids were doing individual activities, Blake looked at me and said, "Mom, do you think you should go sew?"  Everyday he would ask Tanya if she was planning to sew after class!  She let him pick his colors out and he was thrilled!  The night she finished the last owl she texted me to see if it would be ok if she called Blake! I had her call Josh's cell phone!  She said Blake needed to be the first to know!  These darling owls were and are so important to him! 

 Grandmas came!!
  A little ice cream for the big bros!! 
Grant, Cort and Trent
Grandpa John was there too!!

 We love Miss Tanya!!
 We love Maddy!  Maddy loves Lydia!!
And then he fell asleep with the owl!! 

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