Monday, November 23, 2009


Grant made this turkey magnet and I had to take a picture of it!!

Chelsea won this pumpkin from a raffle at Evelyn's house! She gave it to me so I could make my turkey!! I love it!!! Thanks Chels!!


Driving through the neighborhood Trent said, "Mom a lot of people are jumping the gun with Christmas lights." Grant "What does that mean Trent?" Trent "They are jumping right over Thanksgiving to Christmas!"

On the way to a birthday party we stopped at the mall for a new watch battery. Sitting and eating a hot dog Trent said, "The mall rocks!! There is food, clothes, lots stores, miniature golf, dessert, a carousel, everything!"

I told the boys I was excited to decorate the tree after Thanksgiving! Trent said, "I love to decorate the tree too! I hum while I do it!"

I was trying really hard to stay on top of the boys with their shields and chores! I kept track of the shields on a stickem on the cupboard! Trent saw this and went running to his room! I followed and he was up on his bunk bed saying his prayers! He had forgotten that morning! They were unloading the silverware out of the dishwasher and Grant left! Trent called him back to finish the chore and he didn't come. Trent, "I guess I'll do everything!"

During church I kept tracing their hands and we made turkeys on skateboards the whole time! Trent also drew a picture and titled it "Boy and girl roasting marshmallows." They really were, it was so cute!!

We drove by Chadders (hamburger place) and Trent said, "Mom, can we go there one last time before it closes now that In N Out is here?" He has heard mom and dad talking! Then he said, "Mom I love Chadders. I think I will marry Chadders. I have to have my wedding there, and then I will have to live inside my wife!"

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sunday Clothes

My Little Monsters

Bedtime Craziness . . they look sullen . . but oh they weren't!!

Blake led Josh to the can rotater in the pantry! Josh let him sit up on top and get cookies and suckers! He was thrilled!

Trent's Writing

Trent had to fill in the first word on a paper at school, I loved his responses:
Blak dog
hape mom
nis friend
fast car
kold soda
long dinosaur
fat hot dog
big bike

My Feelings Book By: Trent

Something that makes me feel SCARED . . . Transholas
Something that makes me feel SAD . . . Wen pepl yel at me
Something that makes me feel MAD . . . Wen pepl tak thengs a way frum me
Something that makes me feel EXCITED . . . wen we go to the kabin (he drew a car with words "we are goeng to the kabin"
Something that makes me feel HAPPY . . . wen its my brthday
Something that makes me feel LONELY . . .wen pepl lev me awt (drew a picture of a stick person yelling "hay yoo kant pla"
Something that makes me feel WORRIED . . . Wen I thenk pepl wil diy (with a stick person yelling "wut if she dis"

In November By: Trent
I hear . . . levs krumblng or a trke
I smell . . . pumpkin pe olso smasht ptados
I see . . . turkey
I touch . . silvrwar
I taste . . . Pumpkin piy
I t must be Thanksgiving

Trent's first Christmas List
Crismis List
Der Santa For Crismis I wont
1 Jungl aminls
2 two tooy dragins
3 mor bildeng blox
4 Bownse bol
5 legos
6 lenk and logs
7 pawnd pupees
8 rotmot kentrl dinasor

Christmas Letter Trent wrote for everyone to send to Santa (I helped a little on spelling some words):
Crimis List
1 dinosaur rock house
2 rc dinasar
3 bricks

1 skate board ramp
2 brown horsi
3 bricks

If you do not hav

play dinasor
bat and boll

1 litl slid
2 babe kar
3 a pupit

Santa wut evr you thenk Blak wil like git it

I really need to learn to scan papers!

Becker Business

Grant had a little stuffed panda and made it a paper towel pillow and blanket! He sat on my bed and fed it a bottle while he watched Backyardigans. He left it in the car one night and when we got it in the morning he said, "Don't worry baby panda, Daddy is here you can be happy again!"
Trent drew a darling picture of the Bismarck Temple to put in his play house!

Blake laughs so much - - we love it!! He is so precious and happy! He loves Fruit Roll-ups!

My parents called and told the kids to watch "Merry Madagascar" on TV. (A half hour special.) After 2 sets of commercials Grant was really bugged. He said, "Why does this movie keep having interruptions?" The kids don't watch TV - - so he was super bugged!

Grant decided the panda was hungry the other day again and nursed it! I quickly got him the bottle!

Blake sings and we love it! He always says, "Do yo!" and shakes his head and dances! He chooses between milk and chocolate milk, Instant Breakfast actually!

We read Curious George Feeds the Animals and Grant very seriously said, "Mom I will never feed the animals at the zoo!" Trent said, "But the elephants were ok George fed them, they like peanuts!"

Grant told me, "Mom Blake is a kid, the baby is our new baby!"

Driving home from church Sunday the 16th I told the boys that Johnny and his girlfriend were coming over for brownies! We had never met Jen Lund. Grant said, "I love Johnny's girlfriend . . . she is hot and chunky!" Trent about died!

We draped sheets over a long table and it was Grant's house! Grant and I sat in there and ate pizza. I told him we had a birthday to go to. He was concerned I would get sick! When I had the swine flu we missed going to a party! He asked how people get sick. We started talking about germs and he said, "Oh, I bet people eat their boogies and get sick or maybe someone touches the wall and then you lick it and get sick!"

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Swine Flu

Josh got sick Halloween night, I got sick Sunday, Nov. 1 around 4:30!

No fun!! While we have been sick, very sick, a couple funny things!

So tired of watching movies, Grant opened the front door, “Trent where are you, are you coming home? Trent’s teacher, let him out early!”

Garbage day, Grant comes running in, “Mom I have a bad story to tell you. Ok its not that bad. I saw the garbage man just come by and I looked in the backyard and there was blue garbage can and it didn’t get emptied! “ Recycling is every other week, but I love the awareness!
I asked Grant to get me a tissue please. He brought me 1 square of toilet paper! Later I asked for another, he brought me 3 squares. “Mom I brought you a bunch this time because 1 wasn’t enough!”

In the afternoon I tried to do some laundry . . . Grant “Mom thank you for sitting up and walking around.”

As I lay on the couch Grant keeps wanting to warm up on me. I dozed the other day and he was warming his hands under my shirt on my bare hot back!!

I had 6 days of fever! It was truly awful!! Blake started getting sick Saturday night, the 7th! Josh took him to Kids Care Sunday at noon! The Dr. gave him Tamiflu and I was so glad! We could not have him sick for 7 days!!

Becker Business

I have to say Trent is the man! He comes home from school so happy and greets Grant and Blake with smiles! He is very mature! “Mom I am going to grab a quick snack before music and head off on my bike!” “Oh, one thing, can you open the garage for me?” We adore him and appreciate his good attitude!!

Grant “Dad, can we ride four-wheelers on the lot and take some scissors to trim the weeds?” (we are talking an acre)

Grant, “Mom remember that chicken I digged that Grandma bought.” Then anther day, “Mom remember that chicken I dug?” Last one, “Mom remember that chicken I was diggin’ at the soccer game?” Evelyn brought JCW’s chicken to one of Trent’s soccer games and apparently Grant was diggn’ on it!

Driving at night up 1200 East. Mom “Why are those teenage girls sitting in lawn chairs with blankets on the corner?” Trent “Maybe their street rats!” (Apparently in answer to an Aladdin question, Josh taught Trent street rat! I loved it!)

I showed the boys “Harry and the Hendersons," thinking they would love it! It is a movie from my childhood about big foot. It is cute though, we loved it growing up! So Grant covered his eyes until I shut it off! Then for days, “Mom, don’t open the garage until I’m in the car, I scared of Harry.” Mostly at night! “Mom remember that big furry guy?” Mom “Harry?” Grant, “Yeah, I am scared of him. What if we see 2 eyes poking out and its Harry?” He’s not real on and on! So we are walking through Wal Mart looking for Luigi and he sees a costume. “Mom what if I’m this big furry guy?” Me about to laugh, “Grant you want to be Harry?” He started to laugh uncomfortably and said, “No I don’t think so! Let’s keep looking for Luigi!”

Blake loves to spin around in circles!! He laughs while he is doing it too!!

Blake loves stuffed animals and wants to hug all of them! I had on furry slippers the other day and he was cuddling up to my slippers, it was so funny!

Grant decided he wants to marry Aly Johnson because she is hot. Trent told us, "When I am older I am going to Texas to find my wife, if she is not there, I will go state to state to find her."

Trent was home with the boys and Aunt Jocelyn while I went to Instacare with Evelyn. When I got home Trent told that whenever Blake was sad he would give him a hug and then Blake was fine! Jocey said when she was changing Blake's diaper Trent walked away and Blake started to scream, so Trent came back!! I think Trent loves being needed!

Driving in the car Grant was very upset he needed something soft to lay on. Later I turned around and Trent had put his hand down for Grant to lay on! I almost died! It is great or horrible, there is no in between with these 2!!


We met Eric and Laura at I-Hop for breakfast! Grandma Evelyn just happened to be there with Danylle and Jocelyn!!

After breakfast, Josh worked on his paper for school and I ran to Kate Herberts baptism! Then I took the kids trick or treating to Eric, Evelyn and Laura!

Becker Cousins

Amelia Grace McKinney born to James and Chelsea on October 15!!

We ran home and got Blake and Dad and headed to the ward party!

We had pizza, cookies, donuts, cupcakes, games and a parade! This is Blake with adorable little Andi Armstrong!! We took his pizza so he is concerned!!

The wind and "being blown by the wind!" Excellent Mitch and Avery!! Josh's favorite!!

Josh headed to the Utah game and I took the kids trick or treating!! The kids tired out quickly and did not really get much candy! I thought McKinnon did an awesome job as "The Joker!"

The "Swine Flu" boys!

Josh came home from the Utah game not feeling so hot! The next morning he was on the couch in the basement. The boys kept taking "his favorites," down to him . . . twizzlers, red hots, pretty much anything they did not like! But Trent told me, "mom we are taking candy down to dad to show him we love him and we want him to feel better!"

Friday, October 30th

Friday morning the carpet cleaner came at 9am just as I was taking the kids to school!! The boys were in their costumes ready for the school parade!

Trent in the parade! He walked by so quickly, this is the only shot I could get!! He was the only Mario in the school!! Grant was Luigi and the kids loved it!! He was embarrassed walking into the school, so I was pleased with the reaction he got! As the kids walked by they gave him thumbs up, cheered for him and just shouted Luigi!! There was one other Luigi who passed in the parade!

Grant went to the Brockbanks and Blake and I went to Grandma Evelyn's birthday lunch at Zuppas! I was dressed as a witch! Afterward I grabbed Grant and put Blake down for a nap and headed to Trent's class party! (Cailie Ercanbrack stayed with Blake!) The kids had donuts and juice, read a story, played a game and made a scarecrow! It was very fun!! I think Grant enjoyed being there!

We missed our appt. with Dr. Duffy, due to Blake's diaper clean up after his nap! So we picked up the kids from school and headed to Grandma Evelyn's house then the Stanton's house! I knew Saturday would be crazy, so I decided to head down Friday night!