Thursday, June 28, 2012


After swimming at Grandma's house we always have Popsicles and little Tom and Jerry! 

The Plane

Trent made this plane! He loaded all of his things inside (pillow, blanket, colored pencils, pad of paper, I-Pod and chargers, wallet)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Swimming at Grandma's house!  The hot tub with a hole was a hit!!  After we got out they filled it with the cold hose!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Bee's Baseball

We went to the Bee's game Monday night with all the Reese's!  There was a breeze that hit us perfectly, thank goodness, because it was HOT!!  Grandma accidentally spilled a full cup of Sprite on Grant's head!!  He was passing it to Josh and my mom was trying to help!! OOps!!  Grant turned around and laughed!!!  Thank you Grant for handling it so well!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I could not help myself!  These adorable buns running around the house with shoes on!!  The boys could not believe I took a picture of her . . then I felt bad!!

Friday, June 22, 2012


Josh and Verne tried to find a camping spot up AF canyon at 9:30am!  They searched for over 2 hours!  Then Beckee tried up Big Cottonwood!! No luck! So we went to the property and had a fire and rode 4-wheelers! The kids were adorable!  They made a fort in the bushes and figured out a clever way to move more dirt! (Tie a huge bucket to the little wheeler!)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Big Bad Truck

The Sequioa was getting some Maintenance done and Josh had the Maxima!  Trent needed a ride to a friend's house!! The kids were all in the truck, Blake in the front seat waiting for me!  As soon as I hopped in he looked at me and said, "Mom are you tough enough to drive this truck?"


Lydia loves to "Wim"
Even when we don't take her she wears her suit!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Verne brought his doll collection to Utah to give the grandchildren!  This is his own doll he has had for years and years!  His Aunt Dot gave it to him!
 This doll sat on Aunt Dorthy's bed!  (Grandma Becker's sister!) This doll is from the 20's!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

St. George

Pictures on the way to St. George! 
The night we arrived, there was Trent reading Geranimo Stilton!
Those are the only pictures I got! We had a wonderful time with Grandma and Grandpa!!  They had 12 Young Single Adult girls come sleep at their hosue after Aladdin Friday night (June 15th.) The girls arrived about 12:45am and our little sleep walker talker Grant came out about 1am and told them all about the movie Journey 2 the Mysterious Island, which scared him! Very funny!!  Grandma and Grandpa left Saturday afternoon after eating with us at Chuck-a-Rama!  A few hours later Trent got really sick!  Food Poisening!!  We made a late McDonalds run and took a drive to see Chris Laird's house!  Father's Day we saw Uncle Duane and hit Texas Roadhouse! 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Grant enjoyed playing baseball this spring on the Giants!
Love this outfit!!
Lizzy's shoes!!
Work from Trent the artist!  He loves to draw dragons!
Trent got to paint this neat solar system at Scouts!

My mom and I have been working on 72 hour kits!  Blake saw the backpacks and opened his and checked it out!  New toothbrush, flashlights, glow stick etc.  He was impressed!!  As I was taking them downstairs he asked me when do we get to use them?  I said in an emergency! I explained emergency's are fires, earthquakes, big storms etc.  The next day we were driving through the big ravine by our house and I told the boys there had been a fire!  The older 2 were nervous and wanted to know if the fire could have burned our house down?  I told them no and not to worry we were safe!  Then I could see Blake in my rear view mirror and he had a huge smile!! He said, "Mom if the house burned down we could use our 72 things!!"  One minute later he said to himself , "I can't wait for an emergency!" 
Woke up this morning and the boys were busy!  I love when they play together in the summer!  They were packing their backpacks with ropes, swords, disc shooting guns, stuffed animals and walkie talkies!  They gathered pillows and blankets!  They were calling themselves "The Adventurers!"  Off to the wild, they said and went out the back door with everything in hand!  I could see them walking around the back yard and through the swings!  Lydia and I were in the basement and I could hear them in the walk-out playing in the dirt!  It was so cute!  I  could hear they were going to climb the fence . .  so Lydia  and I went out to scare them!  I peeked around the corner and they were tying their ropes to the fence!  Lydia and I pretended to be attacking bears in the wild!! We scared Grant, Trent and Blake saw us!!! I love these little adventurers!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jury Duty

I was at my folk's house Saturday night with the kids and Josh called at 5:25pm!! He told me I was summoned to Jury Duty Monday morning!  Months before I sent the court a letter of hardship stating I care for 4 children and my husband is self-employed!  This letter said to call by Friday the 8th (yesterday) at 5pm or fax if you had a problem!  I called the court number and left a message explaining I had just received my summons!  The recording said the trial was on and to come Monday morning!  Because it is the government and they can do whatever they want and have  too much control, I was nervous!!!  Monday morning I called and left 2 more messages!!  Blake had swimming, I had a Dr.'s appointment and the youth in our ward were on a Trek!  I was nervous all day Monday thinking "Am I in big trouble I am not there?"  Tuesday morning the 12th a very nice women from the court called me at 8am! She apologized for calling so early!  (Very cute of her and unnecessary!) I told her I was so glad she called and that I was stressed out!!  She said the letters must have gone out later than normal because she had had about 4 or 5 calls!! No problem and my name would just go back in the pool!!!  HUGE RELIEF!!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I figured out the way Lydia talks is how Austin talked years ago!  I love it!!  Her r's are y's or an ee sound!  paper=papy or papee, hair=hay, car=caree, Parker=Parky, otter pops=otty pop, there=thay or thaee 

Lydia lays on my shoulder for a few minutes at nap time and bed time! She sat up and noticed it was wet where she was laying.  She said, "It wet on you shoulder!"  So she switched sides!  Then she realized that side was wet too!  She did not want to lay on the wet!  Too funny! She was laying in bed with me for a minute and realized the pillow was wet where she was laying.  She sat up and said, "I make that pillow wet!"  Then she tried to make wet marks all over the pillow! She was smiling . . very impressed her mouth could do that!!!

Sunday June 10th Lydia had a hard time going down for her nap! We decided no more Sunday naps! Josh and I were on the same page and both so excited to be at church as a family from now on!! 

Pinky Promise

I pinky promised the boys today that the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are real!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


A couple things I don't want to forget about Trent!! He had some concerns and needed to talk to me! So during dance practice he snuck in and called me!! He called me alot this year!!  On caller Id I would hear, "Freedom E lem."  I ran to the phone because I knew it was Trent!!  So funny Mr. C let the kids use the phone so much!!

Doing music and multiplication flashcards with Trent I feel like I have learned a lesson!  Things can be overwhelming, but you have to start somewhere!!  I can see that by small things great things come to pass!!  Consistency pays off!!  Doing a little everyday really works!! Sometimes I want quick results and things to happen fast, but consistency pays off!!  I am grateful for this lesson!!

Trent had some hard friends this year!  Two boys in particular were very rough, rude, controlling and arrogant!  Seems so funny to say that about third graders!  It was hard!!  One boy loved the LA Lakers and had a ton of jerseys!  So his little neighbor loved the LA Lakers and got a jersey for Easter as well!  Jersey day at school was coming up and Trent wanted to buy a jersey! We took him to Fanzz and he wanted a Lakers jersey!  We started to talk to him about buying something he loves, not something somebody else loves!  He ended up crying telling us that one of the boys is mean to him.  When the boy heard that he had been to a Jazz game he told Trent he couldn't be in the friend group!!!  We left Fanzz and talked more in the car!  Trent ended up wanting a Gordon Hayward Jazz jersey!  Josh told us a few stories about how wonderful Hayward is in real life!!  Jersey day was also my vein surgery day! That morning Trent was a little nervous! We had talked about how to react and what to say to these boys!!  We were so proud of him for not following the crowd!!  Turns out the day went ok!!  We sure love that little man!!


When I rock Lydia she asks me to sing "Grandma's Feather Bed." She calls it "Grandma's House." When she wants to be funny she asks me to sing Grandpa's house, or Daddy's house or Mommy's house! We laugh when I sing it!!

When she is ready for another request, she says shhhhhhh (quite intense and wet!).  Then she tells me the next song!!  Tonight she wanted to tell me something about Pablo, so she said shhhhhhh, then told me! 
When I rock her she says, "Lay you head on me!"  or "Lay you head on my head!"  She likes me to rest my cheek on her head!!! So sweet!!!
She has been wrestling and playing with Trent and Grant all night!! I love it!! They adore her and she is showing off for them!! She is so silly! She was hanging from the table, lifting her feet off the ground, and the boys loved it!! She makes silly faces and silly voices to make them laugh!! 
Lydia adds an "ee" sound to the end of things!  It took me a while to realize that Baby was Blakey!!  I thought she just wanted to call him Baby!!  Paper is papy, sucker sucky, cold is coldy, warm is warmy, hot is hotty!  When she gets out of the shower she always says, "Coldy coldy!"
I love hearing her call the boys, Tent, Gant and Baby!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


We went up American Fork Canyon to do a cook out! We invited Rachel Taylor Everett and her family and it ends up Alan and Linda were in town too!!  It was very fun!!  My folks got caught up on Glendale and I watched Lydia like a hawk, fire and running rapids scare me!! 
Austin, Grant, Parker, Blake, Braedon, Trent
Josh, Johnny, Jen, Jill
Ethan, Trent, Lizzy, B
Rachel and Ben. Alan and Linda had just picked up Amy's son and 2 friends from the airport . . EFY!!
Matt, Dad, Mom, Linda, Alan Taylor
Grant and Parks
Baby Jack