Lydia is getting tubes Tuesday, June 21st! She failed the hearing OAE twice, had 2 ear infections in December and I guess just a lot of fluid and infections since then! The nurse checking her out before her hernia surgery, after looking in her ears said, "See you back here for tubes!"
Lydia 11 months 14.11 pounds, Luke 6 months 15.6 pounds, James 2 months 12. 4 pounds!
Blake and I were up last night (he had napped) and I was filing my feet. It was time to put lotion on our feet, Blake loves lotion!! He said, "My feet are saying lotion please Blake!" Later he was washing his hands and stopped and stared at himself in the mirror, then said, "I am Blake," and did a huge smile!
Ski Week Day 2
4 weeks ago
Sorry to hear about the tubes..Gavin got tubes when he was 11 mos. old and had them in for almost 2 1/2 years. They were the BEST thing ever though because he was getting monthly ear infections,and after that none! The recovery was super easy, but it is a little bit of a pain having to use earplugs with baths, pools, etc. Anyway, your family is so beautiful!! It is so great to see pictures of you guys. We miss you and hope you're doing well. Love, Melanie and Tad