My funny little Trent decided he wanted a Rip Rider 360! When he wants to work it is intense! He wouldn't play with friends and had a hard time doing his homework and chores because he wanted to earn money!! At night I would have to think about what jobs he could do the next day, so I was prepared for him!! He needed something to hold his money in and didn't want to spend any on a wallet, so he made one with paper and masking tape!! It is truly adorable!!
He made this little rubber band contraption so the change wouldn't fall out!!
A week ago he thought he had enough! Much to his dismay he didn't plan for tithing and savings!! A week more of working and he was ready! Josh and the boys went shopping and found this Red Rip Rider 360 on sale at Target for $80, normally $100. (It is the spark one!) They assembled it and started to play! McKinnon let Grant ride Aniston's Rip Rider! T.J. and McKinnon's were birthday gifts!!
Way to go Trent for earning the money to buy it yourself! What a great lesson you have taught him! Looks like fun!