Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Trent's 9th Birthday

Trent woke up early, 5:30am, to check the "birthday quilt!"  (A new family tradition!  The night before your birthday you sleep with the birthday quilt!  It has pockets for surprises!) The quilt had some Triple Baby Bottle Pops, Chewy Sprees, $9 and notes from Mom and Dad!!  We had doughnuts for breakfast and Josh took the boys to school! (Lydia and Blake both had fevers!) We were suppose to go to Trent's class at 11am, but he called and said they would be in an assembly, so we did it Thursday at 9am instead!!  Cute Trent wanted to get the show on the road and tried to check Grant out of school, the secretary was not very nice about it and hurt his feelings!  I picked Trent up out front of the school then went back to check Grant out 20 minutes later!! Off to the Olive Garden to meet Grandma Evelyn and Grandpa Stanton!

Next Lowes Air Sports!  The kids LOVED it!! It was not crowded and we had a blast!!

Blake started throwing up on the way home!!  Josh and Trent went to the 3rd grade class Swim Party at Annie Taylor's house!  Blake kept throwing up, Grant fell asleep on my bed and Lydia watched!!  Mitch took Grant to baseball for me! I sent the doughnuts meant for Trent's class for the baseball treat!  My parent's met Josh and Trent at Grant's game!  They went to the Orange Leaf and came home to do presents!  The Linfields came over!

Grandpa Eric gave Trent a golden Treasure! (chocolate and Sacagawea Coins)

Lydia laid on me still fevering!

Trent saved some money for an I-pod touch!  Grandparent's gave him some money too! We had to square up before he opened this gift!!  (It felt a little funny asking the birthday boy for money!) I wrapped the I-pod crazy to try to throw him off!! 
Grandma helped him set things up on the I-pod!!  Little Blake had put on his tank top and was hiding by the door! I had him come out and I held him!  He was fine after that!  Very crazy flu!!  Josh had a quick closing with Brett, Grandpa slept in the car, around 10pm we all went to see the Burr's garage on the property!!  We were hungry so we ran through McDonald's!  The kids all fell asleep and no one ate what we bought them!!!  We were suppose to have a sleep over in our room, postponed till tomorrow because everyone was asleep!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pirate Party

Cute Josh went to help at Grant's pirate party!!!
Meanwhile, Lydia, Blake and I were at Dr. Jensen's office. I had an ultrasound to make sure there were no blood clots forming from the procedure!  One of the gals from the front desk gave Lydia and Blake clipboards and markers to draw with!  As we were leaving I said, Lydia give the pink pen to the girl.  I said it several times because she wanted to keep it!  I took it from her, gave it back and we headed out the door.  She turned to the gal at the desk and waved and said, "Bye girl!"  We all laughed and laughed!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Trent's Birthday Begins

After Park City headed to Grandma and Grandpa's for a BBQ and to celebrate Trent's birthday!!  Dale, Sheryl, Darren, Kim & Family Butterfields were there!  It was very fun to see them!!  (Later that week Darren came to our house and we introduced him to Kevin Driggs! IM Flash)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memeorial Weekend

Heading to the cabin Saturday we hit a deer! Josh saw it coming and told me to look!  My first thought, thank goodness we are in the truck!!  We had the big enclosed, taking the Ranger up for my folks, so Josh couldn't really swerve!!  I yelled, hit it, because I was concerned about us being safe!  I figured the truck could handle it, don't brake or swerve too much and hurt us!!  Our front right tire hit it!  There was a little fur on the side of the truck!  It upset Trent and Josh!  Jocelyn and Nick helped Josh pull it out of the road!!  I had to post this because it was important to the kids! 
Look at those balancing cans!!
Bowen, Owen, Trent, Thomas, Mikaylee, John, Grant, Olivia
Monday morning we headed to the cemetery in Park City then to the Park for lunch!!  And to freeze!! 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Grant's Rip Stick

Grant bought a rip stick!  It was a mix of savings, the money he earned at the garage sale and bit from his birthday in October!!  It was hard for Grant to get this rip stick because he wants everything he sees!!  We found it on sale with free shipping, so I was excited!! Once it arrived he said, "Now I need to learn to ride a rip stick!"  I honestly thought he knew how!  He can get a lot of practice this summer!