Almost every morning Josh and I have a smoothie for breakfast! I put: raw oats, carrots, yogurt, juice, spinach leaves, apple, orange and somtimes banana and frozen fruit, sometimes strawberries, sometimes frozen broccoli etc. Although full of calories yes, my hair is growing like crazy! I lost so much with Blake it was rediculous!! Now I have new growth everywhere! I put my hair in a clip and there are little hairs all over!! I don't even mind! I am grateful for them!!
We try to get the kids to drink a little too! Grant says one morning, "Hey mom, can I have some smoothe?" More like "moothe." He does that with a lot of words, Laughy Taffy is Laughy Taff, my feet are freeze, sit on the bop instead of boppy!!
Ski Week Day 2
4 weeks ago
This blog is so adorable! It is so great to see pictures of the rest of your beautiful family. You are such an awesome mom, but that is really no surprise.