I am trying to get the hang of this! I am doing this for a family journal, so I am second guessing everything I am writing - thinking . . . who is going to read this? So, know that is my intent!
I want to give a quick run down on the boys just so I have it!! Our boys are very different! Trent is the particular one. Wakes up in the morning, gets dressed right away, knows exactly what shirt he wants to wear and you cannot change his mind! (He switches between 2 and it is very hard for me!) He is constantly building houses upstairs in our playroom with baskets, containers, blankets, moving the furniture! (Which is also hard for me!) Then he puts lots of things in a pile in a corner!! He has a cabinet that is his and he stuffs it full of things he wants to "keep safe!" As much as it irritates me, it is me! When I was little my mom let me lock special candy in a sewing basket! She had to reassure me that my "crafts" were safe in the garage in a box that was all mine with my name on it! Trent is OCD, just like mom, in his own way! At restaurants or fast food he has always arranged his meal on his bag, or in his box, just the way he wants it! Things have order to him, of course it is "his" order but it is strong inside him! From the time he was young he has wanted to chose his own clothes, do his own hair etc. He told me one day that I was "Not in charge of him, he was free!" Now that comes from his dad!! He will lay his clothes on the floor like a flat person with socks at the bottom of his jeans and a hat above his shirt so everything is ready for morning!! Ok, this is kind of the funny personality type things, and I am going on and on! He also is very loving, ADORES Blake more than I can express!! Loves cousins, friends, stuffed animal puppies, writing, drawing and watching movies as a family! He loves alone time with Josh, me or Grandparents! He likes the attention of one on one! Trent loves school and his teacher!! He loves music like his dad and memorizes lyrics quickly, unlike mom!! (who gets them very wrong) Trent can get his feelings hurt easily and expresses quite a bit of emotion!
Grant on the other hand does not care when he has a consequence or just throws a fit! He stuttered for a while, got a little better, worse when the baby came, then better! (When I am trying to explain something, grammar at times goes out the window!) Because of the stuttering, he talks very loudly now trying to "get it out!" He is a big helper! The biggest thing about Grant is that he wants to funny with everything he does! He actually is quite funny! He uses different voices alot or should I say word intonation! (Almost like accents!) He is very rough with Blake, but takes a lot from Trent! He adores Trent! He is very pleasant and cracks me up! It is so obvious the things he has learned from Trent that are not his personality and that is funny!! He loves to make Trent laugh! Lately he refers to himself as Grant! Ex. "Mom, Grant would like one of those and so would Trent!" Trent loves when he talks like that!! So the other day Trent said, "Grant say mother," and Grant said "mudder!" Trent said, "Mom wasn't that cute!" Grant is naturally inclined to sports and at times fearless! When Grant prays, he only says Thank You, about everything! It is truly wonderful!!
Blake is a little lover!!! That child smiles and laughs contantly!! We all adore him!! People in public will say, “Oh I got a smile out of him!” I think to myself, “Everyone does!”
Ski Week Day 2
4 weeks ago
Julie! I love your blog! I especially like this post though! You explained your kids personalities very well and it was a fun little insight for everyone. Great job on it!