The boys have been scared of monsters for a while now! They always ask me if monsters are real! I told them, “Monsters are only in your head!” Grant asked, “Are they going to hit us?” It broke my heart he misunderstood and thought monsters were really in his head! We went on to talk about images from movies and books in your head!!
Grant was trying to explain to Trent that something of his was bigger, so he said, “It is past the moon, heaven, God and all dat duff (stuff)!”
Trent has decided he wants to be a Kindergarten teacher!!
Potty training Grant in January was a chore!! My poor carpet suffered!! He was a maniac!! Grant will do anything to be funny!! He stood up on the cabinets in the bonus room and asked Trent if he wanted to see a “pee jump?” Trent of course was thrilled at the thought . . . so Grant (naked) jumped off and peed as he flew!!
While waiting for Trent’s carpool we leave the door open a crack! When I went to see if the carpool was here, there was Grant standing on the porch, leaning back, peeing on the walkway!! I almost died!!
Grant spent January naked!! Even the carpool expected a naked little Grant to answer the door when they brought Trent home!! It worked though, he is doing AWESOME!!!
Grant has a hard time saying “s.” It is darling though, small-mall, Nothinz are his muffins, snorkel-norkel, breadsticks are bread dicks. It cracks us up!!
In Trent’s prayer he said, “Please bless we won’t follow Satan’s path, bless we follow Jesus, bless I will be in an earthquake, bless no one in the whole world will have bad dreams, thank thee for Blake the best baby ever, thank thee for the Holy Spirit . . .”
I bought Blake a “Handsome Little Devil” t-shirt for Valentine’s Day! Trent asked, “Is the Devil Satan?” I said yes! He asked, “Why did you buy Blake that shirt?”
Trent had a friend over who was being mean to him. I was talking to him about it and Grant said, “Trent next time he comes over I will battle him and I will win!”
Grant woke up one morning and said, “If you like it then you should of put a ring on it!” Even with a little rhythm!! I was cracking up!! He said it all morning! In the shower I was trying to tell what he was saying . . . turns out “single ladies, single ladies, single ladies!”
I told Grant he was cute. He said, “No, boys are cool and girls are cute. You are cute mom!”
Trent said he was going to call Aly Johnson to play. Grant said, “Well, well, well den (then) I will tease her!” He teases girls! It is too funny to me that he does that!! Then he said, “But I don’t tease Brysens or McKinnons and dat (that) duff (stuff.)” He actually follows Aly around and pulls at her hair bows and does all the things teases typically do!!
The boys hopped in Blake’s crib the other morning! I could hear them through the monitor! Trent told Grant they needed to be quiet because you grow in your sleep!! Then he said, “Grant we growed in our sleep last night too!”
The boys build houses all the time with blocks, couch cushions whatever! Then they want Blake to come “sleepover.”
We use too much scotch tape at our house! I swear we spend days taping cowboys onto horses, Woody and Buzz onto elephants and cheetahs! We make glasses and hang pictures! The boys tape men in cars and much much more!!
Since Trent's given name is Trenton, sometimes to make him laugh Grant refers to himself as "Granton!" The first time he did it I just cracked up!!
Ski Week Day 2
5 weeks ago
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