Thursday, November 29, 2018

Josh's Surprise Party Day

We found out seminary breakfast on Nov. 30 so we had to do our plan Thursday! We got donut holes and made posters and the kids walked into his seminary class and wished him a happy birthday! He was surprised and that is what we wanted! Making the posters helped keep their minds off the party. 

What a wild day! I had a the party timed to when Josh would get home from the airport with Ben. Josh was going to miss Grant's scrimmage. Ben called me in the afternoon and his flight was delayed. I asked him if he could Uber, I felt bad but didn't know what to do. Josh was trying to plan a movie with Ryan Wright. Ryan texted me and handled it well:-) I bought lots of Costco desserts and ice cream. I hid them around the kitchen and in the laundry room fridge in a brown bag (I knew Josh wouldn't look or care:-). I was SO anxious!!! While at piano lessons Dean offered to help me in case I needed Josh to hurry or stall. He went to the scrimmage with Josh! The scrimmage took FOREVER!!! I was DYING!! I was so irritated with the ref's stupid calls. I even yelled, its a scrimmage run the clock! I think Josh wondered what was up with me, hahaha!!  I had 45 people waiting on us! And I was getting texts I was trying to answer. Josh Mason and Rachel shuttled everyone to our house. I thought I was going to explode driving home from the scrimmage, excitement and anxiety!!  I had texted Grant to take his time earlier, then I had to text, HURRY! He beat Josh to the truck! When they got to our house Dean and Josh went to check out Josh's office and Grant came in, I was dying, like Dean you know the plan!! I happen to plan this the same night as the Crystal Falls talent show. It totally worked out though. Sweet Ben arrived just after the surprise! It was wonderful! He was kind enough to shuttle people back to their cars! 
Josh was so shocked I almost felt bad. He said Oh Sh** under his breath:-) HaHaHa!

I was serving dessert and didn't get pictures, darn. 
Here is who came:
Wilcox, Turnbull, Mason, Justin Nelson, Wright’s, Winsor’s, Sister Jacobson, Rodriguez,
 N Taylor, Mendenhall, Derrick, Aaron Smith, Jensen’s, Bowman, Stevenson, Clement, Levitt, Fort, Walburger’s, Parks, Nance’s, Gonzales, Fish, 

Great night!

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