Saturday, August 13, 2011

Gardiner Gathering

The Gardiner Reunion started Friday night at a church in SL! We took TJ and Taylee with us because Avery was having her baby!! Trent thought it was most important Grant attend because his middle name is Gardiner!!

Saturday morning we headed back to the church for some Pioneer Games!!

Grant did such a great job at this hoop rolling the Pioneer Group asked him to be in the 24th of July parade next year!!

The kids decided to wear their Roboto shirts to surprise Grandma and Grandpa!!

Robert Gardiner had the first candy making store in Salt Lake City! These are from his original molds!! When they came over from Scotland (? Lydia made a lot of noise during Kent's videos so I think it was Scotland) they had a home in the side of a mountain and Robert made Taffy on a rock. Eventually he did the molds etc. In Scotland he worked in the Queens bakery!

These are his molds (except the shiny one in back to the left!)

Lydia went down for a nap in room 104! I brought all of her stuff, play yard, puff quilt, blanket, bunny, books, noise maker and monitors!

The kids had had it at the church so we took them to the lake . . . Simmons, Talls and us!

It was incredible seeing all of my Kent Gardiner cousins! Truly I could not believe how happy it made me to see all of them!!!

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