A gal in our ward is on crutches! So this has set the boys off with questions. "What if you need crotchers and they run out? Would you go to the DI?" Josh told them we gave his old crutches to someone else who needs them instead of keeping them! Grant, "I want crotchers for my birthday." Trent, "Why are crutchers so much fun?" They say both crotchers and crutchers.
Blake, "Hold Blakey." "Don't put down Blakey." When laying next to Josh he will tell him "Turn Daddy" to make sure Josh's face is towards him. He moves our arms to put them around him! You ask him something and he says, "No I fine." He says OK to everything!! "Baby laying down . . OK." "Daddy's truck . . Ok." We love to listen to him!! It is adorable!! "Go see Mommy is . . Ok."
Ski Week Day 2
2 weeks ago
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