I leaked all night and kept getting up. I started having contractions too! I kept thinking I should wake Josh up and head back to the hospital. I just wasn't sure what to do but it was starting to hurt!!
In the morning Grant woke up and looked at us and said, "Is she here?"
I was in pain. I went out to the kitchen and had a little egg dish with Jill. She could see I was in pain and said "Go to the hospital."
I went in and told Josh I was in pain. We started timing. About 8 minutes apart. Grant asked me, after listening to Mike and Jill talking, "Did she go potty again?" Meaning, do you have to go to the hospital again? He misunderstood who may have gone potty!!
My parent's could not land in Salt Lake b/c of wind so they ended up in Provo for hours. They were planning on coming to our ward, Trent had a prayer in Primary.
Everyone (Simmons, Paul and Chera) headed to church and we were trying to figure out what to do! We hopped in our car and headed home. I called the hospital, told her how I felt, about the night before and that it was my 4th. She said come on in! We decided to DASH home, shower and pack.
I texted Tanya to let her know Trent would not be there for the prayer. I showered fast, with contractions, we were still timing. Josh had the kids in the car and they got out one by one. Trent grabbed a duffle bag for me and I threw stuff in. He got Lydia's stuff from her room for me. He yelled, "Do I need to pack diapers?" I said no the hospital would give them to us! Back in the car, Josh texted Jill and she was going to meet us at the hospital. We got there at 10:30am. When I got out of the car I had a contraction, Jill saw and was so cute!! Grant stood in the automatic doors for us to keep them open! It was so sweet!! We headed upstairs and had to push the button and talk to the gal. I smiled and said, "I am in labor." She let us right in. They put us in room 208. I was in pain. It felt like it was taking forever to get us checked in.
They asked if we wanted the Sacrament and we said yes. 2 men came in and did it and gave a quick thought! Thank goodness quick b/c I was hurting. They saw and laughed and said, "Have a good day."
The hospital seemed dead but we waited a long time in the room. I guess with fewer people everything goes more slowly. They admitted me which took a while and had to do my blood. Josh texted I was in labor!! Then they called the Anesthesiologist!! He came about 12:30pm. I was so glad! He was awesome!
When he left I realized I had a hot spot on my lower right. We switched sides to try to help it. It didn't work. My nurse was Bobbye. She was charging and wasn't going to stay with us, but ended up staying with us!! We love her!! Ben brought Josh In N Out!
Josh read the Bible a little while I dozed a minute and did huge jumps. Then the pain increased. My parent's came by to visit!! That was really fun, but the pain was going down my leg now. The Anesthesiologist came in about 3pm and pulled the epidural out a little. This helped HUGE!! I was so glad b/c I was at an 8. At 3:30pm I think Bobbye called the Dr. on call. She realized I was about ready. Dr. Smith was at Bear Lake and Bobbye was hoping I could make it until 6 when he returned! No such luck!! My parent's fretted that the on call doc was not coming quick enough!! At 4 or so I told Josh I was ready. My parent's had headed home to get the kids!
They got my room ready. Dr. Wight showed up. He was arranging his tools and not saying much. I told Josh and Bobbye I needed to push. Bobbye talked me through the pushing. Wight was a dork! I told Josh it was hurting really bad, could he see her head? Not yet. Then it killed and he could see her head! I felt like I was politely begging the Doctor to do something. He didn't say anything. Turns out the cord was around Lydia's neck and it had to be cut to let her out! When he pulled her out the relief was unreal!! He put her on my stomach and suctioned a little. Then Bobbye suctioned because she was not crying! I wondered why Dr. Wight did not suction right away when her head came out. I asked if it for sure was a girl. They took her and Dr. Wight fixed me. I couldn't wait to see what she weighed!! I was thrilled she was 6 lbs. 11oz. 18 inches!! Dr. Wight was weird!! He did not even clean up the way he should have but Bobbye made him!! They asked me if she was breach for a while b/c her feet went straight to her head! She was of course!!
Lydia's nurses were Roberta and Niki.
They boys were thrilled to see her! It was so sweet!! Trent said, "Mom she will fit the outfit!" Meaning she was small enough!! Blake wanted me to kiss her. Sweet thing, Lydia was PRECIOUS!!!
I moved rooms a little later to 215. Beckee and Danylle helped. Jenny and Johnny brought me a chocolate Frosty with Oreos later that night!
It was so fun when they brought Lydia to me in the night! It did stress me a little that she would not latch . . . I was trying so hard to do everything right!!
In the morning (7/12) I was so tired that I had a hard time talking to everyone who came in. It felt non-stop . . . nurse, Pediatrician, CNA, nurse, Dr. Smith.
Josh and the boys brought me Einstein's for breakfast! Trent said, "I love her so much I can't leave!" They LOVED holding her.
Josh took the boys to Build a Bear! My parent's met them back at the hospital. My mom had run to Toys R Us for me . . one of the errands I did not get to!! I was coming out of the bathroom and peeked out the window . . . I was lucky enough to see Josh and the boys heading in. Blake was in Swim trunks on his scooter! They looked so cute! I just cracked up!! The boys gave her the bunny and she gave them the K'Nex. They were thrilled!! They headed back with my parent's to play K'Nex!! I showered and when I was out the gals came and brought Kneaders! Later I slept and Josh took Jill to walk through the house! They brought us a special dinner and Josh was a little late! It was very fun!! Josh headed home to clean up the house as much as he could! His siblings met him there to help! The lactation specialist came to see me b/c she was still not latching. That night I sat and looked through the pictures on the camera and cracked up!!
In the middle of the night the nurse took Lydia to the nursery for me. About 6am she came back and said that they were keeping her down there b/c she was jumpy and rapid breathing. They had a tube in her nose and did some blood work and took a chest x-ray! I was a little thrown. My dad came about 7:30am. We chatted a little and kept thinking they were bringing Lydia back . . . but it was the nurse and the CNA. The phone ran and it was the nursery nurse Mary. She said, "Mrs. Becker will you come to the nursery to feed your baby?" I thought it was weird they wanted me to go down there. They obviously did not want her to leave the nursery! Josh called right before I left the room (I was about to call him), I told him to meet me at the nursery! My dad and I headed down. They let him hold Lydia before he left! I tried to nurse her and she wouldn't latch on. The lactation lady the night before had asked me if I had seen her stick out her tongue? I hadn't! Josh came and I was very happy! The Pediatrician came and checked her out! We decided she did need her tongue clipped! It went very smoothly . . . her cry did not escalate! I was glad! After that she latched . . but they filled her tummy with formula using the tube! They wanted to keep her so I asked them to put a bow in her hair and I headed to eat. We waited a while and Josh decided to go see if he could hold her. I showered! They told him no b/c they wanted her to use her energy to stool. Around 1:30pm they called us down again. All she had to do was take a bottle to go home. Looking back I think she was full b/c she would not latch. She was not even 2 days old full of formula! She took the bottle and they called Dr. Valentine to see if she could go. The Baby Bella lady had given us her number to call if Lydia was released. When she got released we called. She had a mark on her cheek from the tape holding the tube in her nose. We bought the CD!
The boys and G. Gayle had decorated the Sequoia! It was darling!! It was so good to see the kids! We had to stop by the bank on the way home b/c we had so many checks out for the house we had to make sure we covered them!! The yard was decorated very cute and I went in to feed her. She latched!!! The gals brought spaghetti, olive garden breadsticks and white sauce, salad and cookies.
Ski Week Day 2
2 weeks ago
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