Saturday, July 10, 2010


We worked all morning and around 1pm Josh took the boys to the lake with Uncle Ben. I had many errands planned to do during Blake's nap and ended up sleeping for hours. Good thing - - I had no idea Lydia was on her way!!

After boating we ate Cafe Rio around 7pm. I sat down to write Thank you notes while Josh and the boys were outside. About 8 something we headed for shaved ice and a new tire tube for Trent's bike. We got home and sat outside while Josh taught the boys to patch a tire, they did not have tubes. The Struthers came by and we chatted until about 9:20pm. When they left, I stood up and thought my water broke. (probably a high leak) They boys were scared because Josh said everyone in the car we are heading to the hospital. We told them it was exciting not scary and I would be fine! Trent said we needed to say a prayer. He did for us!! Josh called Jill and she met us at the hospital to take the kids. She took our car and her keys accidentally too. We headed in about 10:15pm. They did 2 tests and said either a high leak or a bladder spasm. Our nurse Chris was wonderful!! Josh was exhausted (little sleep house and school) and we both really wanted to shower! We absolutely loved Chris and we were in room 210. They sent us home about 12:15am after telling us several times we made the right move to come in. They said if I continue to leak to come back. We were actually relieved to be heading home!! Poor Mike had to come bring us keys. We headed to the Pheasant Wood house to sleep over. Blake was in the crib, and we hopped in my parent's bed with Grant!

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