Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Weekend

The Steven's family arrived at 3am Saturday morning. Once everyone was up we went to a breakfast/lunch at I-Hop. Josh and the Stevens went to the Farm while I showered! We headed to the Park City Outlets and then to Cafe Rio. The Oakley Rodeo started at 8pm and we made it right on time!! We met the Simmons, Talls, and Reeses (Johnny and Jenny) there! It was a blast!!

Sunday morning, July 4th, Ben blessed Chase! Afterward we went to the Olsen's house. We got to meet Emmett Charles Rasmussen who was born on June 29 to Jocelyn and Nick!

After the blessing we met up with Zimms and his family! We took frozen pizzas to his cabin so the Stevens could have a chance to visit with them!

After staying there a couple hours we headed home where Beutler met us to visit as well!! Grant burned his foot by a sparkler at McKinnon's house! It was a deeper burn then I thought!!

Monday, July 5th we missed the parade because we were getting the kitchen ready for more tear out. We checked out a few wood floors and headed to Grandma Evelyn's! The kids played in the sand box and a little giraffe pool!!

We swam with the Simmons for an hour and met the Becker's at Toy Story 3!! Grant fell asleep about 5:45pm during the movie. Curtis held him while Josh used the restroom, Josh carried him to the car, then to the house - - the child stayed asleep until 6am the next morning!! He was sooooooo tired!!

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