Sunday, April 4, 2010


Saturday night Trent was complaining of a headache and had a HOT fever! During the night he threw up a bunch! He was still excited Sunday morning . . . I think him not feeling well bought us a couple hours more sleep! We gave the kids some Tony Hawk church shirts and Blake a kitty. Our neighbor Taylee has a little stuffed kitty that Blake adores!! The Easter Bunny brought Blake a little $1 carrot bat and green pea ball! He definitely should have brought 2 or 3!! Trent and Grant got some darling orange trunks and they each got a Church book! They LOVED the books but probably the "Future Missionary" bookmarks even more! Trent "CTR Book" Grant "My Little Book About Jesus" Blake "The Story of Jesus" The big boys also got a little rubbery CTR ring! (Trent yellow Grant green)

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