Monday, October 26, 2009

Armstrong's Mansion

Monday, October 26, 2009
Tanya invited us to a darling Halloween Party! The cute invite came with a caramel apple and gummy worm.

Tanya's yummy desserts!!

TJ, Trent, Cort and Jordan

Kenadee, Calvin, Taylee, Grant
Thank you Mitch, Josh was very late. He was showing homes to Brad and Becca!!

We had fish races in rain gutters! Go Tanya the kids loved it! Grant ended up beating everyone. His little fish just cruised to the other end! Josh had not arrived yet, and I was trying to chill Trent out – as we walked in the house Grant whispered, “I’m a champ!” You sweet non-arrogant thing . . . yes you are!!

Pablo and Spike

Ben drove us home that night because Josh had a closing. As I got Blake ready for bed Trent was dealing with the fish! Grant came screaming down the hall! I jumped up thinking Trent was seriously hurt . . . no Grant’s fish was on the floor! I got it back into the paper bowl Trent had! So 2 wild goldfish per bowl . . . I should have done something about it right then. The water was hardly deep enough to cover them! I put the boys to bed, remembered the fish, and had 2 on the kitchen table! Popped them back in, still alive and got a bigger bowl for everyone!

The next morning Grant starts spitting, a lot! He feels like there is something in his mouth. Has a hard time drinking his chocolate milk. He is worried he swallowed a fish! Nope, we have all 4 obviously!! His little buddy Kade is over and they are admiring the fish . . . Grant is still spitting a little. Grant asked Kade to go to his room and check on the fish and frogs. Kade goes and comes back. Grant “How many fish Kade.” Kade “1.” Grant “How many frogs Kade?” Kade “1.” Grant starts to panic and SCREAM, “Mom, I ate a frog!” He is spitting in the sink now. I am trying not to laugh! I took him hysterical to his room to show him 2 frogs! So this was almost 2 weeks ago, driving Trent to school today Grant had to spit out the window because he worried he had a fish in his throat!! I do admit I love that story! I hope someday when we read this again I can remember how truly funny it was "I ate the frog!"

1 comment:

  1. Such cute ideas!!! How nice to have a cute Halloween party to go to. We host one here, but I need to step it up after looking at all the cuteness your hostess did. Can't wait to see costume pictures!!
