Tuesday, October 27, 2009

First Snow

Tuesday, October 27 our 9 year anniversary!! We went to dinner Saturday night to celebrate! (Cheesecake Factory) We ended up going to Carrabas today for lunch, which was a nice surprise because Josh has school Tuesday nights!

SNOW!! The kids were thrilled!! I let them play outside!! Even Blake!

We had Kade and McKinnon playing too!

Grant taught Blake to eat snow . . . he kept going out to get a new chunk!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Armstrong's Mansion

Monday, October 26, 2009
Tanya invited us to a darling Halloween Party! The cute invite came with a caramel apple and gummy worm.

Tanya's yummy desserts!!

TJ, Trent, Cort and Jordan

Kenadee, Calvin, Taylee, Grant
Thank you Mitch, Josh was very late. He was showing homes to Brad and Becca!!

We had fish races in rain gutters! Go Tanya the kids loved it! Grant ended up beating everyone. His little fish just cruised to the other end! Josh had not arrived yet, and I was trying to chill Trent out – as we walked in the house Grant whispered, “I’m a champ!” You sweet non-arrogant thing . . . yes you are!!

Pablo and Spike

Ben drove us home that night because Josh had a closing. As I got Blake ready for bed Trent was dealing with the fish! Grant came screaming down the hall! I jumped up thinking Trent was seriously hurt . . . no Grant’s fish was on the floor! I got it back into the paper bowl Trent had! So 2 wild goldfish per bowl . . . I should have done something about it right then. The water was hardly deep enough to cover them! I put the boys to bed, remembered the fish, and had 2 on the kitchen table! Popped them back in, still alive and got a bigger bowl for everyone!

The next morning Grant starts spitting, a lot! He feels like there is something in his mouth. Has a hard time drinking his chocolate milk. He is worried he swallowed a fish! Nope, we have all 4 obviously!! His little buddy Kade is over and they are admiring the fish . . . Grant is still spitting a little. Grant asked Kade to go to his room and check on the fish and frogs. Kade goes and comes back. Grant “How many fish Kade.” Kade “1.” Grant “How many frogs Kade?” Kade “1.” Grant starts to panic and SCREAM, “Mom, I ate a frog!” He is spitting in the sink now. I am trying not to laugh! I took him hysterical to his room to show him 2 frogs! So this was almost 2 weeks ago, driving Trent to school today Grant had to spit out the window because he worried he had a fish in his throat!! I do admit I love that story! I hope someday when we read this again I can remember how truly funny it was "I ate the frog!"

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Becker Business

Grant stayed dry during the night (2 nights before his birthday!) I said, “Wow, you stayed dry you little 4 year old stud!” His response, “Mom you can call me 4 year old stud!”

Blake thoroughly enjoys putting toilet paper in the toilet and flushing! (even if someone is sitting on the toilet)

Grant adores Trent! Even when Trent is mean, Grant adores him 2 seconds later! Last night we were reading on my bed and I got off the bed - - Grant slid right up next to Trent and put his head on Trent’s shoulder! I was cracking up! Trent told him he was too close!

At Lake Powell in the Slot Canyon, the boys got in a HUGE fight all because Grant wanted to hold Trent’s hand!

Yesterday (10-20) Grant was getting out of the car at Costco and I called him some silly nick name! He said, “Mama don’t call me that, call me four year old stud!”

In Costco Grant wanted some Gogurts. He said, “Mama how much will these cost me?” I told him I was paying for the Gogurts!

Driving yesterday Grant asked me, “When I’m a dad who will be in my family?” I told him his wife and kids. I asked him if he wanted boys or girls for kids. He said boys. He asked me, “Are Michele Beeston’s boy’s dads?” (Derrik 14 Tanner 16) I told him no and that when Tanner got home from his mission he would find a wife and get married and then have kids and be a dad! Grant said, “Will you be the mom in my family?”

Blake is obsessed with balls! He calls them Dol. He saw a globe in Costco and went crazy!! A lady was cracking up at him because he was seriously going crazy for the globe!

Blake walks around talking all day! I absolutely love it!! He is a dramatic little bugger! A lot of his drama comes from his facial expressions and how he draws his breath! Sometimes purposely through his nose and loud other times in a panting way! It is too funny!!

Our neighbors name is Kade, Grant calls him Kady Cat! I am not sure why I love that so much!! Probably b/c Grant made it up!! Kade told Grant he wanted to call him “Granty.” Grant said, “No, call me 4 year old stud, that’s what my mom calls me!”

We went to Pirate’s Island yesterday (10-20) for Jen’s birthday! It was Jen, her boys, Trent, Grant and me! It was so much fun!! Trent took his coins and was off!! He was a crack up! He had over 2000 tickets! As I turned them in kids were asking who won those? They wondered if he practiced. He told them, “No I don’t ever practice.” He knew what he wanted to do and when. He was a man on a mission! He won some tickets for Grant too! He was awesome at this shooter ball game - - he kept getting 500 and 100! I enjoyed just watching him!! He is a very intense child!! When it came to choosing prizes, he let Grant have a bunch of tickets! (Trent is into very trinket-y things!)

Trent bought a green lizard in the hotel lobby at Lake Powell with his allowance! He took it back up to the room, gave it some exercise walking around the room, then wrapped it in a blanket and put it to bed! I love to watch him play!!

Monday, October 19, 2009


We went to Lake Powell with the Child’s and Hendricks’s October 16 - 19! Trent wanted to jump off a cliff . . . got a little nervous so we told Josh just to grab him and jump!!

The boys loved surfing with dad!!

Blake did an awesome job wearing his life jacket without too much fussing!! It was chilly in the water and sometimes out!! Blake really wanted to go run up and down the hotel hallway! Yeah, I loved having him lay on the hotel carpet!

The 18th we went to the Slot Canyons with the Hendricks! It was very cool! Grant kept saying the “Sloppy Canyon.” We were in the Navajo Nation and got to have a crazy Suburban ride through the sand to get to the canyon! The driver was nice, but I kept looking at Josh very uncomfortably!! I asked him if anyone had ever rolled . . . then I gave him a compliment hoping he would be even safer with us!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Grant is 4!

October 14th, 2009 Grant is 4!! Tuesday night Trent made Grant a card! Grant was dying to read it and very excited! As we were reading books Trent kept leaving the bedroom to add more to the card! As soon as Grant woke up Wednesday morning, Trent gave him the card!! It said, "Go Grant go go go go go Grant go go go yeah yeah go Grant yeah. Grant you are the best brother in the whole world! I love you Grant! Happy Birthday!" Picture of the 2 of them, a present and a heart! Blue on the back, Grant's favorite color!

Grant slept in a little . . . so I ran the car pool to school but kept Trent! We ate German Pancakes, gave Grant a shirt, and a blue bike!

He has been waiting months for a bike! (so have I) He loves to ride!! We took Trent to school and let Grant ride next to us! The rain got heavy enough we put Grant and his bike in the car and drove to Freedom!

We ran to WalMart to pick up his cake! Braedon and Ethan came over and brought donuts and a gift! They stayed and rode bikes and scooters with Grant while Jen got her hair cut!!

Grant's cake before he took the skateboards off!!

Grant did not want to go to school, so at 2:45 we ran his treats to his class! (and drove the car pool home) Tyson came to our house for a few minutes! Trent got home and went to music on his bike! Grant's friends arrived at 4:30pm! They all went downstairs for a few minutes and came up with a little something on their faces! Grant pulled out the cake for all to see and lick!! Branson Condie, Cole Johnson, Kade Brockbank, TJ Mortensen, Calvin and Cort Armstrong, Tyler Harward, Tyson Burr, Calvin Hubbard, Kaleb Covey. Grandma Evelyn helped us drive this cute group to McDonalds! (I already had every one's order!)

On our way home we were hoping the UPS man had brought our Oriental Trading Post order!! He had!!! YEAH!! Columbus day with no mail threw us off a little!! We did presents, decorated pumpkins and had cake! I moved the kitchen table onto the deck and put out a blanket! By the way, Josh is a fantastic birthday dad!! He keeps things flowing, everyone happy, serving cake and just an awesome party dad!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Halloween Birthday

Last night, October 12, was first Monday at Evelyn's house! We celebrated Grant and Mikaylee's birthdays!! It was very fun!! The kids painted and glittered pumpkins, had a witch ring toss and ate brownies!!

Day out with Dad

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Trent had his Day out with Dad on Saturday! He wanted to go bowling and get an ice cream from Maggie Moo's! He had a coupon from Kindergarten that he really wanted to use!! Josh said they had a blast! Trent was very cute and funny and kept dancing!! Trent told me he had a great time with Dad!!

Little bit of Soccer

Our last games of the Fall were Saturday, October 10! Josh wanted some action shots . . . so here is all our camera could do!!

