Blake loves when the boys hide in their room and we find them!
Josh was on the motorcycle and we were driving behind him. Grant said, “That’s not fair, Dad gets to feel the wind.”
Trent told me “I like when we have Arthur time. We go to the Kiva and listen to a story with other classes. It is great to get out of the classroom so we can stretch our legs. Sitting with them bent for so long they need to go straight. Sometimes mine pop.” It is Author time. They have an Author a week they study!
We took Derik a birthday card last night. He is 14! He told the kids he got some neat stuff! When we got in the car Trent said, “Mom he said he got some neat stuff. I bet he got a snow globe and some papers. I am sure he got a remote controlled motorcycle!”
Josh is studying hard working on his MBA! I worry about him because school is stressful! He handles his stress well!! He doesn’t complain about it at all!! At the zoo on Saturday, some guys who graduated in the spring told him this is the hardest semester! It will be nice in December to have this one behind us!!
We have had a few chilly days this week! Kind of fun, FALL, the boys have worn hoodies!! I love it!!
Trent made this mouse in school!! Knowing how much he loves the Olive Garden . . . here is what he wrote: if you give a mouse a BreDstik (breadstick) then he will want sum (some) nooDLs to go with it.
I am dying over the mouse! That is so cute some breadsticks and noodles. And Grant saying about Josh feeling the wind. Too cute!!! We miss you guys. Lizzy is dying for another sleep over! Good summer memories ahead!