Crawling all over my bed, "Watch out I'm Monster Blake!"
Trent was upset hiding in my bed and fell asleep. I pulled out my flute and played it for Grant and Blake. In the morning Blake said, "Trent last night when you were mad mom singed her woop!"
Seeing Chipmunk movie at the new Thanksgiving Point Theater addition with our cousins; I took Blake to the bathroom and he said, "What a nice bathroom mom, I am happy in here!"
At Trent's 3rd grade Christmas show Blake sat in front of the piano! He said, "Mom where is that music coming from, who is pressing the white keys?"
He is loving learning the reindeer names. When we are singing, he tries to join in with all the names with his own rhythm and notes! I love it!!
Blake asked me how our teeth stay in. I told him our gums hold them in. He said, "So when we are chewing gum it wraps around our teeth and we chew chew chew." I started to laugh and showed him my gums and explained that one word can mean more things!
Blake was laying on his back and had his legs wrapped around Lydia's legs and wouldn't let go. I told him to let her go, he said, "Mom I went fishing and caught some legs!"
When he has an accident or has done something wrong he whispers to me! (From across the room or up close.) It is so cute!
Ski Week Day 2
2 weeks ago
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