Sunday, September 11, 2011

Capital Reef

Stanton Family Reunion
We drove to Tory Friday, Sep. 9! Got settled and hopped in the pool!

Miss Lyd chillaxin'!!

Friday after lasagna drove to a Shake Shop!

Saturday morning Lydia was dying to sit with Trent!

This little man wishes he could live right on that seat!!

Capital Reef Visitor's Center

Grandma showing the boys the Jr. Ranger booklets!


Blake just might prefer to be with dad!

Long day! (sleeping in Blake's car seat . . hers needed to be washed)

Got to pick some apples!

VERY long day!

Left before 8am on Sunday, Sep. 11 so Josh could get home to teach! (Roxy came too) Grandma Evelyn planned the reunion; she cooked and cooked and cooked!! The food was delicious and it was very kind of her!!

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