Christmas night Lydia got a fever. Sunday we wanted to take her to the Kid's Care, which opened later than I thought!! Trent was coughing and warm and Blake was sick! So we loaded the kids in the car with pillows and movies and headed to Brigham City! Why? To check out the mom and dad of our new dog! Tater and Ed! Josh has been researching dogs for months and we decided lab it is! Put our deposit down on a Foxtail Red that will be born Feb. 21st we will get it in April!! AHHHHHHHHHHH . . . is all I can say! I think we should do it, but that does not mean it doesn't scare clean little me to death!!
Little Lyds had an earache! Poor baby! I hate fevers! She hates her pink medicine! She is lovin' on her new doll!
Tuesday the fevers were not breaking so we headed to see Dr. Duffy! Grant was 104 upon arrival! They do not have strep, it is viral. Croupy coughing, sore throats, headache, major fevers, Grant was throwing up some! Oh what fun!! So we are in the room at Dr. Duffy's chatting with him . . . we just love him! Blake is up on the table in between the boys sitting there! He looks at Dr. Duffy and clear as a bell says, "Go out!" We almost died laughing!