The missionaries came over Friday night for dinner even though I had canceled a week or so before! We took them to Mighty Fine! Laura kindly stayed home with Blake who was tired! We dropped Lydia off at a birthday party and Grant was at soccer practice! Ali and her kids met us there! (They were walking home from the mailbox and we yelled out the window "come to Mighty Fine!") Then Josh drove to College Station to get Eric! The plan was to sleep in his hotel and leave Saturday morning at 8am after Eric's final meeting! Saturday morning I got up at 5:30 to make sure all my stuff for my Mother Daughter activity was ready! Grant and I headed to his game about 7:10am! I ran to HEB before it started! I decided Friday night to skip Blake and Lyd's High Hopes soccer Saturday morning! (I knew I could not do it all without Josh!)
Grant's team photos!
I took Grant home and grabbed all my Activity stuff! The kids stayed with Laura and I ran to the church! Josh and Eric came and switched cars with me! (fun to see Eric) Sweet Josh drove the whole crew to Blake's primary teacher's house to drop off a birthday gift! Pretty drive, just far! Like 30 minutes! After the Mother Daughter Brunch they all came to the church! They helped clean and load up! Josh went to McDonald's and I headed home to get Grant ready for soccer! (make-up game b/c of rain) We left Laura home resting, and the Melansons took Trent to their house! (We would meet them at the flag football game right after Grant's! This way Trent could be on time!) Grant's game was far away! After Trent's game we picked Laura up and went to Rudy's! Trent really liked Rudy's, which made us very happy!!!
Blake at Rudy's
Photo by Blake
After dinner we went to Shakes! We were very excited to try it!! I was so glad Saturday was over! The Linfields picked this weekend because of Eric's conference in College Station! I felt so bad it was SUCH a CRAZY weekend! Crazier than normal!