Our kids were having a big discussion in the car trying to figure out something funny Lydia could say. Like, "What does an Elf say?" "What's your favorite color?" They were talking about how funny it is cousin James says "ahhowooo" for big foot!! So Trent said, "We need to have Lydia say to James, tell us what Cain says!"
I texted that to Paul and his response was how does Trent know about Cain? I said, he hears everything!!! We have had many a hard night scared of big foot!!
Let's just say we have not watched Harry and the Henderson's in years:-)) May have brought out that movie a few years too early!! I honestly thought they would love it!!
I was re-wrapping Blake's splint. I told him to wait a minute and let it breathe! I looked up and Blake was taking slow deep breaths!!
Blake pushed Lydia the other day into the dresser! I said, "Blake, we do not push, you know that, you just did the same thing to Lydia that happened to you!" (I was talking about pushing out of anger!) I was checking her head while Blake was checking Lydia's pinky finger!!
We were at Ruth's house and Lydia was checking out Ruth's small dog Sadie! She asked me 3 times, "Mom, is Sadie a cat?" I told her no! She then showed me whiskers with her hands on her own face and said, "It has cat cheeks!"
Josh was mowing the lawn the other day and the neighbor kids kept calling Roxy over! They are afraid of her so they would hide! Josh told them to stop, he said she will come when you call her! He moved to the backyard to mow! Now the kids were throwing rocks at her over the fence and ducking down! They almost hit Josh too! He noticed Roxy may have retrieved one and swallowed it! He told them again to stop! Roxy started eating grass and leaves and throwing up! We knew she swallowed a rock! Josh took her to the vet! We explained to the kids that we would put her to sleep instead of doing surgery again! Later that day Grant said, "Has dad killed Roxy yet?" It took me back to my appendix surgery when Grant was at the Simmons and so graciously asked, "Max, Claudia, why did you kill your dog?" Don't we all love a little dose of unfiltered honesty!!