Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Josh's Surgery

Josh went under the knife around 8:30am!! Everything went well!! It was bigger than Dr. Deny's expected!! Even if it had been on the main nerve he would have removed it!! He tapped the main nerve (during surgery) and Josh's shoulder moved. Very lucky for us the tumor was one nerve over!! NO CANCER!!!!!!!

Cafe Rio makes everyone happy!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Trent's 8

John spent the night Sunday to Monday! Trent wanted doughnuts for breakfast! I ran to WalMart to get them and came home with some basketball outfits too!! Sizes were wrong so I had to run exchange! I wish I had a picture of the 3 of them in the black and red outfits!!

I did a terrible job with the camera today!! Probably because we did alot and ran! After breakfast Josh took the boys to play basketball at the Legacy Center then swim! McAtee's, McKinney's, Rasmussen's and Grandma Evelyn met them there! Then Lydia, Blake and I met them and we headed to Purple Turtle for lunch! Everyone met there including Ben and Beckee! Next off to the Water Gardens to see Rio with all the Becker's! Then Grandma Evelyn drove with us to Park City to see the Stanton's! We stopped at the outlets first then met the Stanton's at La Cantina for dinner! That is the tradition with Trent and Grandma Stanton . . the birthday buddies! But, La Cantina was closed for a remodel so we went to Cafe Rio!!

Boys had to drive their cars when we got home!! They are pretty cool!!! (Oh, Trent got this truck from us!!)

It was getting late and we wanted Josh to get a blessing before his surgery! We called our Home Teacher to come over! This was about 10:15! The boys were still up and Trent was putting a lego motorcycle together!! After the blessing Trent was still building! Josh got a ride to the Maxima (which was in the Old Navy parking lot)! Meanwhile Grant went to sleep and I fell asleep in Trent's bed . . . while he tried really hard to pull out his lose tooth! He was convinced the tooth fairy leaves extra on your birthday!! He woke me up and said he was in pain and the tooth was sticking straight out! I was so tired I had a hard time looking!! Finally around 12:30am he got it out!! Technically not his birthday but the tooth fairy came through for us!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

One more

Becker Business

Life has been crazy!! I have been selling slap watches through April and May! That is coming to an end - - and needs to!! Four kids and dog keep me plenty busy!!

April 12 - Dr. Duffy told me Lydia needs Early Intervention and to grow!!!
April 18 - Josh went to the chiropractor and they found a lump in his neck!
April 18 - 1st appt. with Kids on the Move (KOTM)
April 19 - Started baseball for Trent and Grant (did not realize what we were getting into when we signed up! Grant is still in soccer too!)
April 27 - KOTM
April 29 - Saw Lydia's hernia (scared me to death when I changed her diaper and she was crying hard!)
May 1 - Saw the hernia again!
May 2 - Dr. Duffy said take Lydia to a Pediatric Urologist.
May 4 - Urology appt. at Riverton Primary Children's. Surgery!
May 6 - Josh GRADUATED!!!!
May 6 - Ben told Josh GET THE LUMP CHECKED!!
May 9 - Josh saw Dr. Corey, chest x-ray clear!!
May 16 - Josh see Dr. Deny - - could be many things, need an MRI.
May 17 - Lydia weight check . . still not on the curve!!
May 18 - MRI and KOTM
May 20 -KOTM and found out Josh has a soft tissue tumor (rare in the neck) in the muscl (rare) that needs to come out! It is growing! He also has a degenerative disc disease in his spine mostly effecting C5 - C6! There is irregularity of the left-sided ribs, likely secondary to prior chest wall injury. So he broke ribs a long time ago and his chest cavity is caved a little! Once again, Surgery, take it out, not biopsy!!!
May 24 - Josh went to the U2 concert with Ben!! Had to throw that in!!
May 26 - Lydia is now in KOTM!! We love KOTM!!

So here is a preview of next week:
May 30 - Trent's birthday!
May 31 - Josh surgery, Reese's fly in with Grandma Gardiner!! Yeah!!
June 1 - Lydia surgery at Primary Children's in Salt Lake.
June 3 - Johnny and Jenny sealed in Draper!!! Last day of school!
June 4 - Trent Baptism!
June 5 - Paul blesses James!

Trent's Recital

Let's Play Music Recital
Trent played Turkey in the Straw for us on the Grand Piano before the recital started!


I'm An Indian

Trent's bows were awesome!!!

Puppet Show

Ode To Joy (Trent upper right)

And a little more Turkey in the Straw for Grandma Evelyn when it was over!!

Trent got a "Practice 5 times a week" award!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Josh and Ben had lots of fun at U2!!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Grant had a pirate party his last day of school!

We love cousins!!

These pictures were taken on Mother's Day!
Lydia 10 months, Luke 5 months, James 1 month.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

tiny baby girl

We could not love this little 14 pound 2 ounce 10 month old baby girl anymore!!!
This was Lizzy's dress! I couldn't wait to put Lydia in it!

I love the back!!

I bought this dress for Lizzy when she was little!! Again, I could not wait for Lydia to wear it!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Grant's Graduation

Grant graduated last night! Here comes Kindergarten!! The show was adorable!! We love Miss Tanya!!! Afterward she had a big ice cream buffet!!

They sang the song -put my mom, my dad, my friends in a "Little Red Box." Then the kids came out and gave their moms a little red box full of hugs and kisses!! It was darling!!


Trying to get a picture for Trent's baptism invitation, he wanted to do many poses and places!! The rain did not help!!

He decided on this one!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Silver Bullets

Look at these cute guys . . . how could I just chose one photo?