Life has been crazy!! I have been selling slap watches through April and May! That is coming to an end - - and needs to!! Four kids and dog keep me plenty busy!!
April 12 - Dr. Duffy told me Lydia needs Early Intervention and to grow!!!
April 18 - Josh went to the chiropractor and they found a lump in his neck!
April 18 - 1st
appt. with Kids on the Move (
April 19 - Started baseball for Trent and Grant (did not realize what we were getting into when we signed up! Grant is still in soccer too!)
April 27 -
KOTMApril 29 - Saw Lydia's hernia (scared me to death when I changed her diaper and she was crying hard!)
May 1 - Saw the hernia again!
May 2 - Dr. Duffy said take Lydia to a Pediatric Urologist.
May 4 - Urology
appt. at
Riverton Primary Children's. Surgery!
May 6 - Josh GRADUATED!!!!
May 6 - Ben told Josh GET THE LUMP CHECKED!!
May 9 - Josh saw Dr. Corey, chest x-ray clear!!
May 16 - Josh see Dr. Deny - - could be many things, need an MRI.
May 17 -
Lydia weight check . . still not on the curve!!
May 18 - MRI and
KOTMMay 20 -
KOTM and found out Josh has a soft tissue tumor (rare in the neck) in the muscl (rare) that needs to come out! It is growing! He also has a degenerative disc disease in his spine mostly effecting C5 - C6! There is irregularity of the left-sided ribs, likely secondary to prior chest wall injury. So he broke ribs a long time ago and his chest cavity is caved a little! Once again, Surgery, take it out, not biopsy!!!
May 24 - Josh went to the U2 concert with Ben!! Had to throw that in!!
May 26 - Lydia is now in
KOTM!! We love
So here is a preview of next week:
May 30 - Trent's birthday!
May 31 - Josh surgery, Reese's fly in with Grandma Gardiner!! Yeah!!
June 1 - Lydia surgery at Primary Children's in Salt Lake.
June 3 - Johnny and Jenny sealed in Draper!!! Last day of school!
June 4 - Trent Baptism!
June 5 - Paul blesses James!