Saturday, August 1, 2020


Blake made a bike jump!

We jumped off the boat to help a man that had blown into the rocks. Grant sliced his toe open terribly! Hind sight he may have needed stitches. It was deep enough it messed with nerves too! 

Used whatever we had in the first aid kit.


Bahama Bucks

Josh put ship lap on our bedroom ceiling! It looks awesome! Took us forever to get it painted! 

Priesthood zoom

Brynlee & Lydia

Welcome to Texas Briggs! During dinner we found out High School start would be postponed 2 days due to internet issues. 

First of School (online)

Lydia's journal entry Shadow's accident.
It was July 11th, my birthday. We ere outside working and rideing bikes. as my dad was backing up and felt a bump. Oh no! I shouted My Grandpas dog got ran over! thay rushed to the vet and called my Grandpa. When they got home later that day, thay said it was a big cut and he would ned treatment. after time he healed and was all better. The End

Whataburger and new TV!

9th grade first day

Crazy way to start Sr. Yr.!

18 Forts met us at the lake to try bowl surfing with 2 boats.


19 Liz off to BYU

Amazing baskets I found that fit perfectly in our entertainment center! There were not enough in TX, they wouldn't ship, but they were in stock in UT!!  And we were heading there for Jens' wedding!!


Jen's Wedding

ARRRRGGHH Maty, this is the funniest picture ever. Jenny took it of me . . . I was on the phone, saying hello an holding a paper. Worst picture EVER!!!

Jill, Brenda Lyon, Julie

8-22  Dinner

And a visit to John's work! 

8-26  Abuelita girl

Baskets look beautiful in the beautiful entertainment center.

8-28 Blake on his new bike!

8-28 We bought cows from Stuart! (who got them from a renter who was being evicted)

8-31 Jeep at Edgar's house

8-31 We bought a jeep and surprised the kids!