We had donuts and eggs! Lydia loved the plates!
We got everyone ready and headed to the Afflitos for hot dogs! I ran Trent to Logan's house.
Grant took my phone and trick or treated around Crystal Falls with Langston and Luke. Josh and I took Blake and Lydia and caught Ricky and Tate up the street from Joelle's!
Tiffany sent me these pictures!
Blake's 3D Haunted House
Grant had my phone and Apryl texted to see if Luke was doing ok. Grant texted back that he was great and everybody loved his costume etc. When I read it and told Apryl we laughed so hard! Grant's text was adorable and so mature!!
Blake saw Major with 2 girls and said hello. Major asked where Trent was, Blake responded that he was out trick or treating alone! We asked why he said alone, he wasn't sure why, it just came out! We laughed!!
While trick or treating Lydia found some stuffing or batting on the sidewalk and said, "Mom, I found the mark of Brynlee, she must be near, she left pieces like this all over the ward trunk or treat!" Lydia and Blake really wanted to trick or treat with Brynlee. (and Jake)