Grant helped Blake figure out a way to keep track of his CTR ring, which he loves! He got a cute case too from his teacher at church! Grant explained to him that if you "Choose the Right" you will RTC, "Return to Christ!" CTR backwards! Blake said, "I am so glad my brothers are good at thinking!"
I was sitting in the closet putting lotion on and Blake wanted some! He asked if it was for girls? He said, "We are white women and blue. You know the one dad plays on his guitar when he has me." Josh and I take turns putting Blake and Lydia to bed so we spend time with each!! Sometimes Josh plays the guitar for Blake! (He use to every night, now Blake is loving his Backyardigan Book!) Blake is talking about the song White rhythm and blues!
Last night I was browning hamburger at the stove and Blake flew into the kitchen on Lydia's bike and in the cutest deepest voice said, "I am the Sheriff, you are under arrest for making dinner!" He jumps off and says, "Mom let's get a picture of this funny time!" He loves making videos on my phone too! They are very funny!!