A little catch up!! I have been sick for almost 3 weeks! I had an allergic reaction to
Amoxicillin so now I am on some strong stuff!! It makes me so sick!! Verne has been here for over 3 weeks! Josh has been meeting with Chris Laird about buying her property!
Photos: My cute Blake!
Grandma Gayle came down to help me b/c I have been sick . . we made turkey cookies with the boys and
Kobee! Grant went crazy on feathers!!
Are they all going to be Utes? This is Lydia's silly face!! We love it and crack up!!
Grandma Gayle came down again on Tuesday, Nov. 22 to help me with the craft for Trent's party! Actually she did it!! I wish I had a picture of the turkey Nutter Butters! They were darling!! Thank you Grandma, I sure appreciated your help!!
Grant coming home from his class party . . pumpkin pie making!!
The boys were talking about what a Utah fan Blake is! Trent decided Swoops brought Blake and not the Stork!!